
  1. He basically says that the reason why his ACL is torn is because of all the “flights and car rides” but says that’s not why the tour was cancelled. He says it was cancelled because the promoter wouldn’t pay him before the tour was over (probably due to the amount of dates he had skipped in the past and the promoter caught wind of it) and also he insists that the promoter also has Bam merch he wont see any money of. He then says we’re stupid for believing anything else.

  2. Tomorrow his excuse will be that Lima somehow got his tour cancelled.

  3. Honestly I find it fascinating how people are turning on her

  4. Same!!! A couple of months ago, this sub was very much pro-Gypsy

  5. That 12th image really turns my gears because of how unimaginable it would be, for me at least, to be forced to write a message like that in the dust so a family member would at least know you were ok. Nowadays with cell phones that wouldn’t be a major problem. Back then the level of anxiety for a lot of parents must’ve been enormous. Edit: Same goes for the children looking for their parents as is the case here.

  6. I’m listening to the audiobook at work right now. As someone from the UK it’s interesting to hear the perspective of those not directly involved with the Towers as that was where most of the news was concentrated at the time. So the pentagon, those officers first on the scene at the United 93 crash site, the 300,000 (!) who escaped Manhattan by boat to Staten Island & NJ that day, I had no idea.

  7. I worked with Wally Miller for a while a few years back before he retired. Super good guy, if not a bit quirky, but the old timers that I worked with said he was quirky even before 9/11. And it felt like he knew everybody in Somerset County. There were a few times where we’d have to call him to report a death and he knew the person personally.

  8. It’s only a matter of time before he’s pulling fire alarms in the lobby of The Olive Garden

  9. Baker Acts are not 90 days. They are 72 hours at max. The fact that they kept him that long speaks highly of his mental state.

  10. Depends on the state too. Wyoming’s 72 hours is based on business hours. So if the brought in a psych on a Friday evening, and say Christmas Eve was Monday and Christmas was Tuesday, those 72 hours wouldn’t start until 8am Wednesday morning.

  11. Good catch. He just likes that number. He must think it sounds credible, because nobody would believe something like ten showed up. 🙄 

  12. I bet he believes it holds some sort of magical significance

  13. Where is the new subreddit I miss keeping up with the king

  14. We just gonna gloss over the fact he dropped the word “Pikey” I guess

  15. It’s not the first time he’s used a slur, and it won’t be the last either

  16. I’m just curious what this argument over “a stick of gum” really was. I have a hunch

  17. Probably booger sugar wrapped in a gum sized piece of foil 🤔

  18. Bam out here really admitting they had a serious fight over fucking gum...maybe y'all shouldn't be attached at the hip like a bunch of stupid teenagers

  19. My money is on that it wasn’t “a slice of gum” but really some booger sugar wrapped in a piece of tin foil/gum wrapper and she caught on.

  20. Shut up BOZO 🤡 I'll add a slice of gum! ROGENRAWL

  21. Is this a violation of his bail terms? (I don't follow the lore that closely)

  22. It probably is, but they’re all misdemeanors so if they do anything at all, they’d issue a bench warrant at the next hearing (which will likely get continued instead anyway) and go about their day. They won’t extradite him back to PA over some misdemeanors (which will likely get pled down to either a single misdemeanor or the summary harassment charge).

  23. Do you guys think he will have any consequences for assaulting his brother?

  24. Probation, at best. I think you guys are overestimating the Pennsylvania court system here.

  25. Man frfr. just go to any Pennsylvania inmate search and look at how many times people have been arrested before it stuck. It’s like that everywhere now though.

  26. I know western PA’s court system is trash. Since he can use the addict angle, he won’t see anything worse than a slap on the wrist. He certainly won’t see jail time, and the prosecutors certainly aren’t going to revoke his bond over a bum fight in CA.

  27. Unfortunately people with stars or dollar signs in their eyes will continue to book him and hope that this time will be different. I also suspect Danni and his management are smooth talkers and say things like, "Of course he can do this! He's very excited! He can't wait to be there!" and give people false hope that he's going to 1000% make their event.

  28. That’s exactly how the replies from SQ looked when they were talking about that con in TX that he flaked out on a while back.

  29. Generally, part of the pre-trial release conditions set forth by the court, which falls under the umbrella of probation (that BAM was most definitely made aware of by the judge and more than likely had to sign his acknowledgement of said terms) are that you must lead a law abiding life, abstain from alcohol Judging on what I know of his charges (assault/battery and alcohol/drugs), he will most definitely be arrested when he gets back to West Chester for breaking the terms of his pre-trial release.

  30. I doubt that the PSP/constables will be looking for him to revoke his bond…it’s PA, even murderers here get light sentences. They’re not gonna give a single fuck about Bam’s bullshit.

  31. He was the guy in the street making noise in the middle of the night like a month ago. What a prick. He's going to get arrested for something very soon.

  32. I doubt it…look at all of the shit he’s done over the past year or so. Yea he got arrested for assaulting his brother but we all see where that is going. The only way he’d get arrested (and stay there) is if he killed someone.

  33. I left a similar marriage and he turned our daughter against me, so be careful.

  34. I’m sorry this happened to you. I heard about parental alienation syndrome. Can you elaborate when you say be careful? What do you mean?

  35. I’m just saying to be careful that he doesn’t try to pull the same shit with you. You absolutely need to get out of the relationship, he’s abusive. But please protect yourself from him at all costs.

  36. I never liked McManus but having him below Claire Howell? Idk about that one

  37. May or may not have. I’m a chemo nurse. Typically we verify placement by flushing the line and getting blood return. If those things happen it tells us the port is functional. The line could have been cracked or something in which there is no way to know.

  38. We had a lady down in the ER back when we were holding a lot that had a port that was known to disengage…I didn’t have her as a patient but I remembered hearing how she knew that “sometimes the needle comes out while she’s accessed”. Luckily they only infiltrated saline, but I still can’t understand how she can knowingly be alright with that…

  39. Probably because he wasn't really an actor, but a stagehand on the show that got some screen time.

  40. He went on to write and direct a bunch of episodes in the later seasons

  41. We knew about 93 well before it was reported on the news. I worked at the local trauma center while attending college, and I’ll never forget the “all call” they made asking for ‘any off duty staff member in the building please come to the emergency room immediately’. We made our way over to the ER and WJAC was already reporting the crash, so it could’ve only been maybe 10-20 minutes after the event (IIRC most of the CNN footage in this video was from WJAC) I found a friend of mine who was a surgical resident at the time, and he was scared because he had already gotten verbal threats from some passerbys on his way over to the ER because of what he looked like.

  42. ... I had a patient shit on the floor a few weeks ago.

  43. Right?! I’m in the ER, people shit on the floor here all the time…then when I tell some dumbass with a kid crawling all over the floor/picking up food from the floor/etc. they can’t seem to comprehend how dirty it is

  44. Battlefield is at least attempting to course correct.

  45. Damn do I miss the old BF3 days…500 ticket canals 24/7, sooooooo much hate mail on the 360.

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