
  1. I agree. Too many people fall into harmful gender dynamics and just give up trying to change things up, because acting according to gender norms gives stability and social acceptance.

  2. I noped out after that introductionary meeting at the Talos shrine where you can't express any negative reaction to the horrific thing he did. I role played it as my character stealing this dude's horse and leaving him to bleed out lol

  3. but it does make sense? no? + i'm joking but today's kids are too way offended to get a joke

  4. Or maybe 'women be shopping' jokes are not as timeless and universally funny as you think they are. Maybe we're all just fucking tired of them.

  5. I almost exclusively operate within passive aggression as a 5. We tend to hoard emotional resources and open conflict is exhausting. I hate agressive people and petty power plays.

  6. I don't think we ever get a direct answer in lore, just vaguely racist hypotheses from biased sources.

  7. Took a quick look and it seems that the vast, vast majority of posts are about the Israeli aggression in Gaza with posts about other topics receiving very little attention. It's good that they are posting about it doesn't seem like this sub is an optimal place to get international news.

  8. Unsubbed from them yesterday. Cesspool sub which only gets worse and worse, because echo chamber amplifies the most stupidest opinions and "facts" without any proof

  9. Are you perhaps also a girl? 🤨 that could make you gay and deserving of the sweater.

  10. "These are men that never got their asses beat by better men. And the more men keep getting put down as a whole, the less good real men there will be to put immature jackasses like this in their place."

  11. Morrowind doesn't have the best writing, Redguard does. Hell, Morrowind doesn't even have the best story (it's actually quite generic). What people praise about Morrowind is it's books which most people don't read.

  12. Note that several of these photos are photoshopped to pull in the waist.

  13. And photoshopped badly. That wide, stretched out elbow in photo 9 is hilarious 💀

  14. As far as I'm concerned, celibates are a welcome part of the ace community.

  15. What? Why? Does that make a straight, horny catholic priest a part of the ace community? Cause I wouldn't be very welcoming towards them. What does celibacy have to do with asexuality?

  16. OMG story time! Once in college I was kidding around with some guy friends and said something to the effect of thinking it would be nice to have my own farm. My friend Ryan thought this was ridiculous and challenged me “what would you farm?” I jokingly said “Oh, cats, probably.” At which he is flabbergasted and asked “what can you farm cats for?” And I’m tickled because he was taking my answers seriously so I responded deadpan “for their tiny eggs, of course”

  17. I know what I like wearing and what suits me. I don't need DK (or any other man lol) to tell me that. But I do like how this system names and explains things I've noticed before but couldn't put into words. In this system I'm a FG but the label itself doesn't matter to me that much. What matters is that I know which clothes are worth trying on and which are a lost cause and why that is. It helps a lot with shopping and getting dressed especially when used together with colour analysis.

  18. Low quality trolling, try being funnier next time :/ maybe don't start your post with the punchline idk

  19. It is but probably not 100%. The events did happen but the details might be different in current canon. It's a super fun game but very, very messy. One small example - the Vault Dweller (Fallout 1 protagonist) is depicted as male in Fallout 2 even though you could play as a woman in F1. Them being retroactively made male doesn't impact the story of F2 in any way but it kills F1 roleplay possibilities and makes many peoples playthroughs feel less important. Later Fallout media never mention their gender so "definitively male Vault Dweller" is probably not canon.

  20. I'm very ignorant when it comes to international court business so this might be a stupid question - but what would a ruling of an international court really achieve? What effect would it have? Would it be anything more than an official condemnation? Russians know they are violating IHL and they don't care :/

  21. International criminal court’s (and in general IHL cases) judgement has a lot of effect. See for example the ICTR’s judgement concerning Jean Paul Akayesu,which is a milestone in the context of genocide.

  22. For me it's not the ideas themselves but the way MK writes about them, his use of language and symbol-heavy imagery. He could write about the driest of topics and make it feel deep and moving

  23. She's 12 when he first meets her, right? But the events of the book span a couple years and later when they start living together she attends high school and Humbert is very upset that she acts like other girls her age and not a loving child bride. I've read the book some time ago so correct me if I'm wrong.

  24. How dare you.... assume that there are only 500!!!!!!! there is an infinite amount you cis rapist white male!

  25. I know I’m going to get downvoted, but I really hate this ‘cis’ term.

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