
  1. Are you considering their electrostatic or traditional speakers?

  2. He does know people are laughing at him not with him right?.

  3. Thank goodness. For the sake of our country, the Democrats need to stop playing polite.

  4. I love your comment. FYI your traitorous link looks like itā€™s broken.

  5. I saw Rufus at a small, free concert on the Santa Monica pier in 2016. There was comparatively barely anyone there, mostly families.

  6. Gonna be a Trump landslide. It's gonna be a cakewalk for him to beat Kamala.

  7. Yes, nice using the reverse psychology method to get people to actually go out and vote for the only candidate who isnā€™t old.

  8. Itā€™s honestly so scary that nobody can tell your comment was satire. There are so many people who literally believe every line you wrote. Iā€™m still barely sure tbh.

  9. Iā€™m not saying that at all. Iā€™m saying we saw shameless defense of Biden even though everyone knew he was too old. Those same Biden defenders are now calling Trump old and itā€™s just a little Too rich for me

  10. I donā€™t think anyone thought Biden wasnā€™t too old to run. Itā€™s a pretty common shared belief that both of them are too old. People were just voting for Biden because he was the more benign choice given the options.

  11. Just putting it out there, if anyone wants to put up their own edgy billboard, itā€™s super easy and surprisingly cheap. You can do it for about $20 per day from

  12. President Kamala Harris šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

  13. My favorite tweet of his was when he said ā€œKamala will be even worseā€. He said ā€œwillā€. Heā€™s already accidentally acknowledging she will beat him.

  14. Doesnā€™t that acknowledge he would also be bad, just not as bad?

  15. He was only speaking in reference to Biden supposedly being the worst so far.

  16. Went to 18+ LGBT TigerHeat night at Avalon with a few friends. I lost track of my friends and had a great night on my own. Towards 2am one friend pulled me from the crowd and said we have to go.

  17. Their new building in Glendale is super nice. Lovely facility to shoot at, I canā€™t wait for their other campuses to be completed.

  18. Youā€™re not crazy there has to be some new flight path or something over Glendale. Iā€™ve been waiting for someone else to post about it. For the past week or so Iā€™ve been hearing way more helicopters including a tandem-rotor that buzzes the city around 10:30pm.

  19. Cries a keyboard warrior who Iā€™m sure is 0% personally affected by any of these laws. Would you rather protect them by sending them to church camp and gifting them an AR for their 14th birthday?

  20. Yes, it can definitely depend on the car you pick. Normal humans tend to sit closer to the front because thatā€™s where the operator is. Thereā€™s a bit more riffraff in the back of the train. Itā€™s not that much different than high school tbh.

  21. It was near the operator. Do you think the operator would actually do something though and step out to address a concern? I highly doubt it, but who knows

  22. No, they wonā€™t. But just having an authority figure nearby is usually enough of a deterrent. Same with the green shirt metro ambassadors. They donā€™t actually do anything but maintain a presence.

  23. No, he's just a bad driver who doesn't know the dimensions of his car or is from a flyover state where they don't worry about space issues when it comes to parking.

  24. The yellow merc is actually perfectly parked. Parking enforcement can give you a ticket for overlapping the curb apron at all. Theyā€™re pulled forward pretty much in-line with the start of the apron.

  25. this is why Biden is going to win. he's calm, cool, collected. The dem donors and his owner party came down on him and he just keeps it moving. calm, cool, collected.

  26. Donā€™t be so sure. Complacency is what got us all into this absolute shit show in 2016.

  27. Nobody is complacent right now. Nobody.

  28. Rio de Los Angeles State Park is a great park with a relatively large water park right in the middle.

  29. Before I moved here I was in film school. Iā€™d never been to LA but I knew I needed to be here for work. Someone (I donā€™t remember who) told me Glendale was nice so thatā€™s where I set my GPS to. I stayed two nights at the old Days Inn extended stays before I found a studio near the old Albertsons for $900/mo all utilities included. Lived there for 9mo before moving to my current place which Iā€™ve been at for almost 13 years.

  30. Grebn is grebn and Iā€™ll take it. Step by step, brick by brick! šŸš€

  31. If ti is grinding filament change printing setting by lowering printing speed an raising temperature to 215-230C.

  32. Thanks. Do you know if Iā€™m able to do that mid-print?

  33. Feed rate is how much plastic you extrude, change printing speed in slicer.

  34. Gotcha, thank you. The current print is actually going alright after that one fucked up layer so Iā€™m going to leave it be for now but Iā€™ll definitely adjust for the next print.

  35. Uh maybe because some of us want to be around other women when using the restroom

  36. Why would you want to be around anyone while using the restroom? Why is anyone even paying attention to anyone else in public restrooms? Do your business and get out, itā€™s not a place to meander and make friends, itā€™s a room where the air is full of strangersā€™ sharticles.

  37. Would this not be a perfect opportunity for an NFT takeover of tickets? I know very little about the technology but would the implementation not be perfect here to have a blockchain secured thing?

  38. It would indeed be the perfect application for NFTs.

  39. Wait, you donā€™t have an official state place that checks your car? You have to take your car to shops for approval?

  40. Pretty much any gas station or auto shop can do the test. They have to be state certified but, judging by how many shops exist, I imagine the cert is inexpensive and easy. They charge like $15-20 I think.

  41. Wow, completely different here, we have to go to a place where they still put on exhaust hookups and OBD readers, but thatā€™s about it.

  42. Here theyā€™ll do a sniffer test for older vehicles and some diesel but usually itā€™s just OBD to check for readiness and a quick glance under the hood. Info gets sent electronically to the DMV.

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