
  1. I agree winning or doing very good is just doesn’t hit the same as OW1.🥲

  2. 100% agree hopefully they revert it all back.

  3. Fr pls blizzard add all the old features back.

  4. I agree getting a lot of kills or things like triple kills just don’t feel fun because there’s no level system to go up a lot because of that triple kill hopefully they change it.

  5. Lol accomplishment of what? Having a high account level and still be bronze through plat

  6. Ok I can't believe anyone really cared that much for leveling their account. I liked getting a loot box of course, but that number doesn't mean shit. It's just time played. Go look at time played in your stats. It had no bearing on your skill whatsoever

  7. I understand that but it wouldn’t hurt to still have it there was no purpose to remove it.


  9. What a ridiculously condescending answer after citing some truly hand selected examples to attempt to prove that all free 2 play games fail. Also being on the user side may give you some insight into things but you're far from an industry expert. Your comment reflects this as well. On top of that, cherry picking information and only showing one side of things is often indicative of having an "agenda". I'm not saying you do, because I doubt you're attempting to sway anyone here for any other reason than to validate your own biased, unfounded opinion.

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