
  1. As an Estonian without a sauna for the last 3 years. Any (real) sauna on the sauna tierlist is better than no sauna.

  2. For example: Estonian language does not differentiate between a slave and a serf. As it's forced unpaid labor, where moving between serfdoms is prohibited. The serfs were also sold and traded as families to another lord. The peasants in the game seem to have a lot more free will than that.

  3. There was a big difference between serfdom in medieval Western Europe and serfdom in post-medieval Eastern Europe. Serfs in the post-medieval East could be sold and forced to move to the buyer’s land, which left little difference between them and chattel slaves. Serfs in medieval Western Europe were bound to the land and neither the serf nor the lord could decide that the serf was moving; the land could be bought and sold but the serfs would stay on the land. The exception to this was that serfs could often buy out their status if they accumulated enough wealth, becoming free peasants.

  4. Thanks! Do you know at what point does a serf become a slave? If we were to create levels of slavery.

  5. You asking for whole other games dude. And it’s not even det in Britain, it’s in central Germany 

  6. Greg has said so himself in Twitter, that he thinks it's a good idea for DLC / content packs.

  7. At a glance it looks indistinguishable from the early access I’ve seen on YouTube, what’re the biggest material changes from demo to release?

  8. The early access version includes a tech tree, an actual economy, UI update, new upgrades to buildings, building and model reworks, army and battles. I am probably missing a lot of things but the demo was very bare bones and only half of the city builder aspect. Definitely seems to have a lot more polish and a lot less bugs.

  9. Kõik vennad, kes on "a sõida gpsi järgi mitte spidoka järgi" - minge putsi.

  10. "Sõidan 90 alas 81ga, sest spidomeeter valetab 10%." Võta Waze lahti, vaata millal sul reaalselt 90 on, liida sellele 2km/h ja sõida.

  11. My brain can’t separate ‘nothing’ from the blackness i see when i close my eyes.. i can not imagine not having ‘something’ in front of me :/ like if you have tv that isn’t on, it’s a black screen.. but to picture that as ‘nothing’..? 🤯lol x

  12. Close one eye and look around. You don't see black with the eye you closed. You see nothing. That helps me understand it.

  13. Ma olen eestlane ja ma sain aru, mida sa mõtlesid. Okei. Tegelikult ma arvan, et ma sain aru. Aga pole hullu. Kahjuks on siin lõimes vähe eestlasi. Kuigi Eesti ja Soome on mõlemad suured saunasõbrad.

  14. On küll ja gümnaasiumis näed palju vaeva mahuka õppekava ja kodutööde tegemisega mis pole normaalne imo. Kui ei pea vastu või on mingi vaimne probleem siis on raske, kedagi ei koti ja vabalt võid välja lennata. Kutsekoolist saad kutse ja nõrga keskhariduse koos, edasiõppimine sealt raske aga mõnele sobib. Vene keel on jätkuvalt teema kahjuks. 2/10 ei soovitaks, ymmw.

  15. Kui gümnaasium sinu jaoks raske oli, siis mida sa ülikoolis tegid/teed?

  16. Ju siis te olete need õnnelikud kes ei tunne kalorivabade jookide rõvedat kõrvalmaitset. Paljude jaoks on see täiesti joodamatu.

  17. Lugesin kunagi, et ainilt 20% inimestest tunnevad aspartaami maitset. Ülejäänud ei saa midagi aru. Mina kaasa arvatud.

  18. Oleneb suhkruasendajast. Osad mõjutavad insuliini ja panevad keha rohkem rasva varuma muust toidust. Teised tekitavad seedimise probleeme suuremal hulgal. Erythol / stevia segu on arvatavasti kõige neutraalsema maisega ja ei ole probleemseid kõrvalnähtusid aga see on liiga kallis ja firmad ei teeni enam nii suurt kasu.

  19. Insuliini osas ma ei oska sõna võtta. Võib täiesti tõsi olla. Samas võimatu on rasva varuda, kui kaloreid vähem sisse, kui välja läheb.

  20. Vape smell does not linger and anyone will tell you that. Even those that claim to be sensitive to the smell will not notice it when they step into a room that was vaped in 5 minutes ago.

  21. They're lying then because they obviously vape.

  22. It didn't bother me when I didn't vape/smoke. It didn't bother anyone else when I did vape. It doesn't bother me now that I don't vape anymore.

  23. I got it under a minute with the most basic method. Not once did I bother with the advanced algorithms. It is nothing more than having a nice smooth cube and just practicing with almost no brain-work or attention needed after memorizing it.

  24. Dude sits in front of the camera 8 hours a day, talks about politics, reacts to YouTube videos, and fights with people in chat.

  25. Mentally difficult is a whole lot different kind of difficult.

  26. Mida rohkem inimene teenib, seda vähem see teda mõjutab. Palgatõus 1000€ pealt 1500€ peale tõstab oluliselt rohkem elukvaliteeti, kui palgatõus 5000€ pealt 5500€ peale. Kui esimene maksab sellest 500€ tõusust 100€ tulumaksuks, siis teiselt saab lubada suuremat protsenti koguda. Näiteks 150€.

  27. Kasutame ühtlast 20% tulumaksu antud näite puhul ja jätame tulumaksuvaba osa kõrvale. Esimene maksab oma 1000€ pealt 200€ maksu ja teine oma 5000€ pealt 1000€. Absoluutarvudes on teine inimene panustanud 5x rohkem, kuid teenuseid tarbib sama palju.

  28. Täpselt nii ei olegi. Õiglane on pakkuda võimalikult paljudele inimestele võimalikult head elukvaliteeti. Mida paremad on ühised teenused, seda parem on kõigi inimeste elukvaliteet.

  29. Vahetatav aku ja korralik hooldatav tera (u nagu Wahl Pro). Siis võin osta. Korrutagu oma hind kasvõi kahe-kolmega.

  30. See võtab nii vähe akut, et see on imeline. Ajan nägu 2x nädalas ja ülejäänud keha 2x kuus. Laadisin seda viimati novembris ja laen järgmine kord vist mais. Ma arvan, et selle ajaga, kui laadimistsüklid täis saavad, on sellel niikuinii midagi muud juba katki.

  31. I wish my dad had $20,000 just lying around to invest. lol imagine their income if they can simply do that.

  32. Having 20k to invest is not that big of a deal. They would've needed to be comfortable, but not rich by any means. Having a 6 figure salary in the 90s would have been enough for that.

  33. Sobib. Lisatud suhkur on ikka masendavates kogustes. Samas jällegi tekitab see igasuguste suhkruasendajate tõusu. Siis kõik kohad aspartaami, sorbitooli ja muud sodi täis.

  34. Mis on tervisele kordades vähem kahjulikud, kui päevast päeva kümneid gramme suhkrut sisse lürpida.

  35. Mis su point on? Tavainimene ei treeni intensiivselt 25-30h nädalas. Keskmine Eesti inimene ei treeni isegi 5h nädalas.

  36. What a functional government right? Forcing their own citizens to jump through hoops just to have the illusion of equal rights.

  37. Changing the constitution is not an easy feat. Adding civil unions is simple enough in comparison. But using the word "marriage" for same-sex couples' civil unions is different. Estonia did not have it in its constitution, but changing the constitution is only possible by a referendum or by two separate parliaments.

  38. You are possibly correct: the quote from the constitution is "Marriage shall be entered into upon the free consent of man and woman." This could work.

  39. Sest 500g viilujuust on ainus toode, mida toodetakse nii suures pakendis vaatamata sellele, et tegu on kiiresti rikneva tootega. Oleks meil 5-liitristes kankudes piim müügil oleks sellel samuti kõvad soodukad.

  40. Kuidas on juust kiiresti riknev toode? Külmkapis seisab juust avatuna päris kaua, enne kui halvaks läheb. Plus kinnisena säilib kuid.

  41. Kinnisena jah säilib kaua, kuid avatuna säilib vast max paar nädalat (ja seda suurt pakendit on vaja avada, et tarbima hakata). Isegi mina oma grilled cheese sandwichi lembuses ei tarbi nädalas rohkem kui 150 grammine pakk. Mida ma 500 grammiga teeksin?

  42. Üksi elades, nõus. Aga kahe peale läheb juba ilusti vähemalt 2 pakki kuus.

  43. There’s a video I’ve seen a few times and again it was doing the rounds yesterday of two really ripped bodybuilders watching a smaller, regular sized man we’re told is a climber lift some heavy weights and the two big guys are in awe that he can lift the same as them. I’m guessing that’s it.

  44. Dude calling Magnus a "regular sized" man. But the video is awesome, there were some skills I was surprised to see the bodybuilders perform decently as well.

  45. Maksid kaheraudse hinna ja said kaheraudse.

  46. Check for example. That's what a nice prefab sauna should cost on the high end.

  47. Reading this while driving back to Estonia after going downhill skiing in Finland. I wouldn't say "zero mountains and infrastructure". Having 1km+ length slopes is pretty decent already.

  48. Yeah, there are some artificial slopes in the south and some mountain areas in the very north, but it's hardly comparable to places with pointy mountains.

  49. Definitely not comparable to Alps or even Tatras. Kesk-Soome Himos and Tahko (delta 200m) are a lot better than Estonian ski centers (delta 70m). Quite close too. 3h ferry+3-5h drive. Finland is a nice stepping stone before the Alps or just plain cheaper due to the proximity.

  50. Porno on probleem ning ei tohiks olla koolis. Sex-ed on täiesti okei õppida kord kui on 13-14 aastat vana.. aga ole nüüd, bdsm ja bukaket pole vaja õpetada, või näidata pilte igast poosist.

  51. Porno on probleemne, aga see on olemas. Sellest tuleks samuti koolis rääkida. 2014a paiku nt räägiti 5-6. klassile.

  52. Ei, Bill Maher'ilt tegelt, Ameerika klassikaline liberaal. On paljusi selle vastu igalt poliitiliselt poolelt.. CNN äkki ajas sulle jama, et see on ainult konservatiivide arvamus või kes?

  53. Ainus koht kus ma leidsin detailset infot (ja fotosid) nende raamatute kohta oligi mingisugune USA "Uued uudised" sarnane koht. Poleemitseti muuseas ka teise raamatu täiesti OK menstruatsioonivere pildi üle.

  54. She can afford to fly less. Idgaf how “hard” it is for poor billionaire Taylor to travel. She can make it work.

  55. Yeah sure. She could just take a train from Fuckville, USA to Paris, France. It's not how "hard", it's literally impossible at that level. Ya'll are delusional and I am not even a fan of hers.

  56. With the amount of money she has there is definitely something she could be doing to offset the damage she’s doing to the environment - most people agree she needs her own jet for safety but that doesn’t excuse that she has options and she just chooses to do nothing

  57. Is there any evidence that she is not doing anything? I don't know, buying credits, donating to environmental non-profits etc?

  58. Wouldn't be introducing Estonian language in russian language schools be easier? If it isnt already a subject there. Let have russian schools who teach both Russian and Estonian. There won't be any conflict then

  59. Russian-Estonians have had to learn Estonian since the 90s. It switched to ~50/50 Russian/Estonian split over 10 years ago. It does not work. The russian minority does largely not speak Estonian fluid enough to be a functioning member of Estonian society. Most Estonian-Russias live segregated Russian lives which lessens their economic and educational opportunities in a country where they do not speak the official language.

  60. So how does stopping of funding of russian schools stop that? Will russians suddenly learn estonian now and start living among estonians?

  61. Yes. The hope is for the next generation to be the first integrated generation. Most of the Russian schools will switch to Estonian from grade 1 starting from december. That defeats the biggest purpose for picking a segregated school for the child. If there are no more Russian schools, the kids will go to any school and segregate more with Estonians. They will become more integrated into the Estonian society. Learn Estonian on a native level due to exposure from social circle.

  62. But that means I also have to install tailwind right? I tried many times but I can’t seem to force myself into liking tailwind. Scss feels far superior to it plus if you’re writing additional css code on top of tailwind, I can just write scss to begin with.

  63. Shadcn-Svelte is built on Bits UI, which is built on Melt UI. They all have a calendar component, or builder, in Melt's case.

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