
  1. That guy made a Reddit account like 5 hours ago just to comment absolute nonsense, peak jerker if Iā€™ve ever seen one

  2. This is my preferred take too and while post crisis lex was older then Clark, I don't have to much difficulty believing they could be similar ages, especially if lex is a modern tech billionaire.

  3. I like that, I believe a part of what makes Lex work is that he is (or at least perceives himself to be) self-made. He achieved his fortune and status through his own means and ā€œearnedā€ and ā€œdeservedā€ it, while in his opinion, Superman just flies in and gets all the praise with none of the work

  4. The no kill rule is so weird because literally last night I was reading World's Finest and Batman coordinated a whole plan to kill Newmazo which is a sentient AI...

  5. Bro has no idea that Transformers comics have historically been pleasantly and consistently progressive since IDW took over, almost every couple I can think of is a gay or lesbian couple, and there are multiple trans characters, and at least 1 nonbinary character I can think of. The comics and shows have explored so many topics conservatives hate. There's even a couple of transformers with autism which means alot to me personally.

  6. Would you recommend it to someone like me who doesnā€™t know really anything about transformers? Iā€™ve seen a few panels and the art looks cool

  7. If you're interested, then definitely. You don't really need any prior knowledge to understand the story or themes, you just won't have context for some referential stuff. It's still a good self-contained story so far.

  8. So you are saying making all 3 leads women is prioritizing a political message but having more men in the lead roles wouldn't be?

  9. Well, this wouldā€˜ve been after 2018, AKA the time were DC saw that Aquaman was their best money-maker somehow, so Iā€˜d say theyā€˜d given him a big push wish many lego sets.

  10. True yea they said heā€™d have a big part, Iā€™m just more curious how he would have been written and what the dynamic of the JL team is like

  11. Iā€™m referring to large corporations such as Disney excluding white males in their movies.

  12. Itā€™s true that the recent movies are more racially diverse than in the past

  13. No, it's not. It's like someone else said, its performative diversity. Fucking morons like you are the reason.

  14. What would ā€œnon-performativeā€ diversity look like in this case

  15. Iā€™m kind of impressed how the AI made it look like a Actual episode tbh

  16. Aperantly we would see how Batman and Superman met and how the Justice League was formed.

  17. Late response, but Iā€™m obsessed with this movie and so sad it never got made

  18. I think the universe can still be well-established, Gunn has said superheroes have been around for awhile

  19. I see what you mean. But I wonder if we can still have that lineup you mention?

  20. I've heard it speculated that Hawkgirl might replace Swift, rather than have two characters off the jump that are "Lady with wings."

  21. I think the JL won't be a thing yet, at least in any official sense. Some people have theorized that the JSA and the JLU will exist as prototype versions of the JL

  22. I agree Iā€™d prefer the JL to not exist yet so we can see them together

  23. The good news is that WB canā€™t interfere like before. DC films are now made under DC studios, Gunn and Safran have final say. So thereā€™s no WB meddling, the ones in charge are Gunn and Safran

  24. Mods cooked. Def gonna be Damien, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, Raven maybe 1 or 2 more and ideally with Nightwing and Starfire either on the team or mentoring

  25. Maybe, but heā€™s already established as being a college grad in the blue beetle movie

  26. Justā€¦ why the fuck is this not animated and directed towards children

  27. Yea, the movie is about a child can create anything from his own imagination. so it makes sense that story should be also be told in the medium where you can create anything from your own imagination.

  28. Like, they should be spending 90 million, get a great animation director and team and create a unique visual style with a solid 90 minute story because this property so inherently lends itself to that. But even if they made some generic illumination knock off animated movie itā€™d make more sense than making it live action starring Zachary Levi?? Iā€™m genuinely bewildered at how they came to this decision.

  29. Exactly. Such a baffling choice honestly, the story works because of the childlike imagination and the merging of artstyles, and this movie is gonna have none of that šŸ’€

  30. Animal Man (Any form... live action or animated, movie or TV show, all could work)

  31. According to leaks, weā€™re getting The Question and Teen Titans, which Iā€™m excited about.

  32. uj/ Creature Commandos and Waller are probably also canon to both the DCEU and the new DCU, somehow.

  33. Creature Commandos and anything after isnā€™t DCEU canon, only DCU.

  34. To think we would have had him as the main villain in the lego Batman sequel but WB didnā€™t want peak fiction

  35. Check the magazine Ben is reading. Itā€™s an LBJ life magazine from 1963

  36. Again, that doesnā€™t confirm anything. This whole promo art is a mid-century throwback. That doesnā€™t mean the film itself will be.

  37. Two things. Who will be cast for H.E.R.B.I.E.'s voice, and will the film be set in the 1960s? If it is set in the past I bet the events of Secret Wars will bring the family and probably Doom to the modern day. They can have a "Man out of time" style arc like Cap did.

  38. Yep, seems like itā€™ll be set in the 60s. Looks like Ben is reading this life magazine from 1963

  39. Will they be the main JL in his new universe?

  40. I hope we have the main JL (Superman, Batman, WW, flash, etc) as the main JL, and JLI as like a separate side team/reserve squad

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