
  1. It very much seems like they could. And if they can then roundabout, can go around forever and can leave via any exit. If they indeed cant turn in there then not a roundabout. I think people just assume it can cause it looks like that

  2. Yeah but you made the first claim. Burden of proof is on you homie. Welcome.

  3. Will confirm that yes he has made purchases and sales always throughout the day or days. Id love to see any example proving othervise.

  4. Arc tower will consistently get 60 into small bug swarm breaches

  5. Accuracy is likely shots hit / shots shot. But if the game does not properly account the shots shot because of you loosing connection or some bullet hitting two enemies with a bounce of armor. And the number of shots shot is smaller than shots hit you go above 100%. The stats in the game are pretty wack in general.

  6. Because overwritting your web browser gps coordinates really doesnt take changing two numbers…

  7. This sub has a weird obsession for a guy who's made like 15 videos.

  8. Anyone know how the custom “triple manpower in religious wars” work? I tried being sunni, jewish and Hussite and started wars, both no CB and religious show superiority and religious holy war against other religions (christion and sunni). But I never get the bonus. Any reason for this?

  9. Is it not the case that if two inserters target a tile, they take it 1 by 1, its not random? Normal distribution would imply they flip a coin each time.

  10. Technically yes. And that's what I thought to do initially: make RNG on combinators and then apply it to this "tree". But since in big numbers this randomness still becomes statistics, items would be split 50/50 anyway.

  11. Thats a flawed way of doing it. Then just skip the inserters and light up the lamps. Also not big numbers no, there is actually no number where a binomial distribution becomes this. Only in the limit would they match. But thats like x*x matching x+x as x approaches 2. Its pretty pointless argument.

  12. Oh my god, I would always hover it but never clicked it. I just thought it was cool that it had a hover animation...

  13. All CAPTCHA verifications use your input to train ai. Why do you think it’s been asking you about cars and traffic lights?

  14. You are asking on the subreddit of one of the best reviewed games of all time. What do you think the answer is going to be here?

  15. Bug free game? Not by chance. Every time I play there are bugs left right and center

  16. Team dark had a very good midlaner. Goes 50:50 every time against faker.

  17. How many % do that?? Can’t imagine that that matters

  18. You are right. Unless the person is from Garena server, the % of scripters is an ants fart away from 0. In about 10000 games over last 12 seasons. I have met three scripters that were obvious. I have climbed from 1200 elo to masters 380 over the period. One was xerath with aim and dodge, the other two were adcs, one with dodge, and one kog with the bs moonwalk machinegun dodges.

  19. sorry my head is not working right i cant understand what you mean. Are you saying garena server has close to 0 scripters?

  20. Garena server has the most scripters and map hackers. Other server in non high elo have 0.0001% or less. Extra high elo has most concentration.

  21. I’m so confused by this (I’m non-tech) - every post I see about GPT and coding is either

  22. Turn on the setting to use a card deck system, wont happen again, although harder to get 30 lepers.

  23. If 3k is beating your stack at same tech, you need to pay army more cause 99% I bet you are paying them jack shit. So get your ass to the economy tab, and make sure they are being paid.

  24. To all the people saying blobbing is too easy already, i think it is dealt with wrong. Just because a huge prospering empire in 1444-1789 took over another 10 provinces, suddenly it should not come to a halt. Those 10 provinces can go ape shit for 15 - 20 - 50 years (could depend on distance and cultural differences and religion and what not) but not the whole country.

  25. Isn't Factorio inspired by Minecraft, which in turn was inspired by Zachtronics games? I don't think Factorio just came out of nowhere.

  26. Yes factorio devs said it is very heavily inspired by industrial craft and biuldcraft mods

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