
  1. I will go to my grave believing Trish wanted Ethan and thought he was a nerd who'd obviously be into her, then when he was not interested and always defended Hila she lashed out by screwing Hila's brother to dig at Hila/ make Ethan jealous. When there wasn't a reaction she turned it into a relationship to worm into Ethan's life and force him to spend holidays with her.

  2. FINALE PREVIEW PEOPLE HEAR TWO FEMALE SCREAMS- I think this could be the editors dubbing to throw us off trail.

  3. Condolences to the family. Also note that it's probably not a great idea to say on national television that your husband brings home bags of mj...

  4. I have a similar roasting pan. I use a pizza stone or a cast iron griddle as the base, then put the cover on top to hold steam. The base of that pan is not thick enough

  5. Darn. I don't have anything that will fit in there as a base.

  6. I would recommend a cast iron griddle if you don't plan on getting a dutch oven.

  7. I have a Dutch oven. I wanted to bake more than 1 loaf at a time. Thought this would work

  8. Can you bring me up to speed? What does this mean?

  9. Find a recipe that makes 2 loaves then do that five times in a row. That's a big project and you can do it without special equipment but it will take more time. Do you have 10 bread pans?

  10. It will be difficult to properly mix and knead 10 loaves worth of dough, so I would suggest you split it into batches. You would probably have to split the baking up as well, depending on size of your oven. I think it would be smart to work backwards from how many loaves you can bake at once and then make your recipe/dough to that size. Then space apart the starting times by the loaf baking time so you don't accidentally overproof waiting for the next lot to finish baking.

  11. Can't I just cold proof and "stop time" that way? Like. Cold proof and then when my bread is ready to bake, take it out let it warm and pop her in the oven?

  12. I can’t provide honest feedback unless you send that delicious looking bread to my house for tasting. I’ll take three loaves lol

  13. That future is sooner than we think, look at Sora by openai. That shit is insanely cool but it also has some very scary possibilities.

  14. I hope your friend is found. Sending love and saying prayers.

  15. What do you want me to explain? I just want peoples thoughts on this video. To me, ifs a little bit crazy. Life doesn't work this way.

  16. Thank you so much for doing these! I'm hoping they go back & review each onr

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