
  1. All the hair work (wigs and beards) looked pretty bad, I thought.

  2. Look, I used to believe that too, but after a few years of a friend describing to me in vivid details many dreams of similar complexity and level of logic, movie-like I'd say, I now understand some people do.

  3. The vivid, cinematic, extremely detailed nightmares I’ve had throughout my life are part of what convinced me I had what it takes to work in film (which is what I do).

  4. This might sound a bit strange, but feel free to DM me when that happens if you like! I love DnD, and I’ve been playing and running games for a few years now. I learned a lot from watching shows like this, and now am typically able to identify spells from the descriptions of them.

  5. This reminds me of a weird, offshoot Paul Giamatti in some of his less well-known roles.

  6. This is such a gorgeous cat! Once you get it assembled, I’m sure it will be an excellent addition to your decor!

  7. Nah I've seen his hour it's good. The crowd stuff is between jokes and he uses it to set up the jokes. He only posts the crowd parts so his material isn't stale. Pretty standard thing for comedians on social media nowadays.

  8. This answers my question about him! I know comedians are leaning into their crowd work, but I haven’t seen him do anything that’s not crowd work. He does other stuff, though?

  9. She is no way in hell a 36DD. That would mean her underbust measures 36 inches, and full bust measurement would be 41 inches. She is petite and wouldn't have a 36-inch rib cage. I'd guess her around 28/30 for bandsize and FF to GG for actual cup size.

  10. Yeah, I was thinking something similar. I was a 36DD at one point, and I was not nearly as petite as she is, nor were my boobs as big (and I was probably still in a too small cup size).

  11. Yes and no. Being insecure is unattractive regardless of your height, so it's definitely a critical asset. That being said, confidence and personality are not necessarily enough. The girl also has to be confident, secure in herself, and open minded as well. And that can be very challenging for many women when their entire life they've been told what an ideal relationship is supposed to look like and know they will be judged by their friends and family if they don't live into those expectations. I myself recently was rejected by a girl who admitted she really likes me, but can't get over her own insecurities of needing to feel small in a relationship, and said as much.

  12. Definitely true. As a woman, I used to care about height. I stopped caring at maybe 22 or 23. So a lot of us do exist!

  13. What?? I think I meant more that I’m not a lot taller than the average girl. But according to that, I was wrong either way.

  14. Never have I been so proud to comment on a reddit post.

  15. Me too. I have exactly one. God of War, but it was on hard (aka Give Me a Challenge).

  16. I’ve seen his stuff and have been subbed to him for a bit, but is there a famous bit or something you’re referencing?

  17. I disagree that she's necessarily a gold digger. She could be a sweet lady for all I know. Think of your fellow ladies, and imagine 2 dating app profiles. One for a Poor low status Redditor. The second for a wealthy, high status man. The guy in the first profile seems some sort of job, but he's wearing a stained hoodie because there are more important things than fancy clothes. He stays with his mother because housing prices are out of his reach. But he is very kind to his mother, he can always tell when she needs something because he is so empathetic. He spends hours with her each day maintaining a deep relationship with her. The second profile is of a High status man with what looks like a very good cash flow situation. In the pictures he is always well dressed. His hair and nails are well taken care of. He has what you know is a very tasteful but very expensive watch. He is in different exotic locations in each picture. In one he is making Angela Merkel laugh. You find a TED talk with him. He seems very smart but he doesn't take shit from anybody he doesn't seam mean but kind isn't the first thing that pops into your head. As you go back through the pictures you see 2-3-4 different women riding horses eating at fancy restaurants, sailing in the Mediterranean. Now ask yourself if all the 16 to 65 year old straight women you know have to pick one profile or the other, what would be the split?

  18. So one guy we know to be passionate about traveling and international politics, intelligent, and willing to share the knowledge he has found valuable (TED talk). Multiple other women have presumably found him to be a safe companion to be around. It’s unlikely he’s a criminal or dangerous if Angela Merkel is conversing with him 1 on 1.

  19. I’m a DP and an editor. I’ve storyboarded my fair share.

  20. I have many mental health issues including BPD and I refuse to let go of "crazy." Especially because it comes from broken pottery or cracks in enamel: crazes. To be crazy is to have cracks. I feel that pretty strongly as a mentally ill person! I just am not offended by it and I don't know many people "crazier" than I am.

  21. Yup. I have a bunch of mental health issues and 4 diagnosed disorders. You can pry “crazy” from my cold, dead hands.

  22. I’m with a small production studio in Texas. DM’d you!

  23. I wrote, directed, acted in and edited my own comedy short for this reason. It was for college and my professor had reservations about me doing all that especially since it really hinged on one lead character but I have a background in standup so I trusted my timing and stuff. Even just seeing the assembly cut the professor said I was right to take all that on once he saw the specific tone I was trying to achieve.

  24. I’m working on a (passion project) horror comedy right now! Thanks for the links to yours, I’m going to watch both after I get some sleep!

  25. So his first instinct is to spend as much possible time at home, and hers is to make sure he’s getting an evening here and there for his physical and mental well being? I love that energy so much - good for them!

  26. We play online, but I have thought about suggesting themed mocktail recipes to my crew. I haven't yet though, just lack of planning. I think it's a great idea though!

  27. One of my players made a spiced cider for everyone recently. It was a mocktail, the hosting player offered whiskey for those so inclined (which everyone is comfortable with, and no one ever gets drunk at the table).

  28. Cool thanks. I remember liking older stuff like that - Mist, the Lion simulator, etc. Anything you can recommend for PC? I can’t get a console until I have a better job

  29. So…I personally think that God of War (2018) is one of the best games ever made. I think the story is incredible, the mechanics are outstanding, and it’s breathtakingly beautiful. It was so fun I played it on easy, then normal, then hard. And that’s…just not the type of adhd I normally am. It would be my first recommendation (not the commenter you originally asked though).

  30. I’d say the bigger reason is lack of preparation. The number of directors who don’t storyboard is just staggering to me. It’s fine to get on set and see something you hadn’t imagined and rework a scene here and there.

  31. I agree with this whole comment, but especially the part about directors who don’t storyboard.

  32. As someone who’s planning to go to law school and a fan of Last Week Tonight, I kinda wanna work for HBO’s legal department lmao. I know most of it wouldn’t have much to do with Oliver’s shenanigans but I imagine there has to be some fun involved with it occasionally

  33. It definitely would be an interesting job. The research for precedent would be weirder than most other lawyers do, I imagine.

  34. He went over the salary in the segment. It’s currently about $300k all in.

  35. Thanks for the recommendation! And I appreciate the advice. So you recommend not to react on the spot basically?

  36. Not the one you were responding to, but with a little practice, you can use this technique on the spot. It’s short and sweet most of the time (as long as everyone involved is more or less a grown up), and then you can go right back into the game. Not allowing tension and bad vibes to fester really helps keep things healthy at the table!

  37. It’s super useful. I was really awful at confrontation until I went to some sales training (of all things). They taught something similar I still use today! I wanted to mention one other thing they taught that made a big impact for me.

  38. I’m a tall woman. I don’t care about height, but if I did I wouldn’t match with a guy who was the height I didn’t want just to tell him I’m rejecting him for his height.

  39. Same. I don’t give a crap about being taller as long as the guy isn’t thrown (if he is, it’s clearly not gonna work out anyway).

  40. I’ve had bad experiences with short men, and it’s always them putting me down for being tall because they are insecure. But I’ve just learned to choose better. I’m married now, so that’s not really an issue anymore but it used to be.

  41. Oof. Happy you found someone who’s not trying to shrink you!

  42. I’m this way too! Not about wood, it’s difficult to get super into woodworking when you live in an apartment with no garage (though I have refinished a few pieces of furniture).

  43. I don't trust any of those surveys because too many people are wearing the wrong bra size and they're self reporting. It's like the study that had men measure their own penis says average is 7" but the study where scientists measured puts it at 5"

  44. Yeah. Most of the articles I have seen about this say 80% of women are wearing the wrong size…

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