
  1. Yeah and then you read the talmud and that realllllllllly drives in the point they definitely in no way think theyā€™re better than everyone and that god prefers them

  2. This is hilarious. It might help if you throw in an ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ somewhere in the last drake line itā€™ll enhance the punchline and the song reference

  3. Joanna Candlewick coming this summer to a theater near you

  4. I have a younger cousin who is a D1 wrestler and I am very excited to show this to him at the next family event lolololol

  5. When I see the exact same scene but through some elseā€™s POV I start freaking the fuck out because itā€™s fucking VANTAGE POINT AND THE PRESIDENT IS GONNA GET SHOT

  6. Imagine a roast battle between this dude and krowbear

  7. At first glance I thought this was a set of testicles sliding into some punani

  8. Youā€™re a God by Vertical Horizon in Bruce Almighty. First time I can recall eyeballing the whole credits to find a certain song from the movie because I liked it so much.

  9. Check out the song ā€˜temporaryā€ by a band called amber pacific

  10. This video is just a speed watch of the show Wilfred

  11. Why does the crying girl look 80 years old lol

  12. I never knew what was more embarrassing during my one year of high school wrestling, the abysmally small outline of my twig nā€™ berries before the matchā€¦ or the obvious boner I had after losing the match.

  13. ā€œHeeeeā€™s a nut bag!ā€ by detective mills in se7en. I think itā€™s the best line in the movie.

  14. I wanted to get my first hole in one before my dad got his first (he was 26, also he has 2) and I turn 28 next golf season with 0 to my name so far

  15. Anti-Hero - FigureItOut (cover of Taylor Swift)

  16. I used to know an Anita Kiss and a Wan Ting Yu lmaoo

  17. This happened to me when I was 18 and unfortunately drove my car very drunk. I blacked out at the wheel and only woke up because I hopped a median and my head hit the top of my jeep. I looked out my windshield and there was a light post about 15 yards away and I said (in slightly different wording) ā€œim deadā€¦ no Iā€™m notā€ and yanked my wheel and missed the post by what felt like millimeters. It was honestly like a 5 second window from waking up to yanking the wheel and I was going at least 55 (probably 60) because I was trying to hurry home.

  18. Point north does this a lot. Erase you has lyrics from ghost in my home. Thereā€™s one or two more but I canā€™t think of them right now.

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