
  1. Astel stars of darkness, had a melee build and couldn’t even get close to it to bonk. Changed up to an int build just for this fight and comet azured its face

  2. I know Gucci is the overwhelming vote in this thread, but I think the Celine is so classy. 

  3. the commercial photography of the gucci bag vs a phone shot for the celine doesn't help the comparison either

  4. Don’t break a sweat with godskin duo, but can die 20times falling down platforms trying to get the dagger behind the bestial sanctum

  5. Unironically the Erdtree Avatars. Very easy moveset but they are the first bosses I take on on a new playthrough and they will stomp you to death at low levels

  6. Same! I have no idea why I have so much problem with them but the one in north caelid gave me more trouble than any of the bosses

  7. I hate that one. i swear it spams it's jump + rot splash attack SO MUCH MORE than other non rot avatars, the fight is just strafing and no-hitting it, or dying in one shot to the jump or getting rotted

  8. My husband says he always knows, instinctively at any moment, which way is north. My spatial memory is terrible so that was mind blowing to me

  9. Chances are he doesn't. But deducing north in most situations is pretty trivial.

  10. That’s probably a more likely scenario, like he’s just more aware of this and makes a mental note of it when he’s in new places. Either that or he was a homing pigeon in a past life

  11. Looks like a valentino one stud and a Loewe wallet that’s missing part of the anagram

  12. My husband is literally a chef and we probably end up eating out more because of that

  13. I spent loads of time as a young teen on the AFI forums writing cringe poetry and drawing fan art. The good ol’ days

  14. My choice is Nepheli. She's a very kind and brave woman. I'm sure she'd give really tight hugs and would probably enjoy snuggling together. Or playfully wrestling on a grassy field and then collapsing into each others arms.

  15. sorry, I know this post is a few months old, but I was wondering if there's any luxury watches there

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