
  1. Yes please, I would very much appreciate that!

  2. To people asking me for it: I didn't receive it from

  3. Reddit was removing the comment with the mega website link.

  4. This utility is buggy is sending image feed via USB. and its very limited, low quality and buggy.

  5. Francês . Nasci na Suiça e voltei com 4 anos para cá . Jogava PlayStation com tudo em francês .

  6. Same here. Buying a pixel in Canada is not worth anymore since half the features don't work in Canada.

  7. Imagine living in Portugal and buying one . It's like buying a brick .

  8. As soon as you pick the contract on the floor you are using the attempt that you earned . I'd you die lose or DC that atempt is gone .

  9. Not sure whats up with these negative comments, that was dope!

  10. Ive been noticing that reddit of this sub gets blasted with negative comments instantly.

  11. Could you just write something that states she is a guest via booking. Com and how long her stay is?

  12. She wanted something to prove she is living in Portugal .

  13. If you play mouse and keyboard nothing will make you better than Aimassist with it's 0ms reaction time . Close range nothing you can do can make them miss bullets.

  14. I dont understand why people come to twitch like its their main job when starting.

  15. I dont buy UAVs on rebirth, i go always for clusters and Airstrikes.

  16. Trowing a grenade while running. Why can i reload while running and a simple grenade that is so small prevents me from running?

  17. Learn faster. I'm asking it to turn my lights and TV on and off, not cure cancer.

  18. its not even half baked. nothing works assistant wize. its like they only added 3 commands. and nothing more

  19. And I cant use the normal assistant on top of gemini , had to uninstall. because nothing worked.

  20. You jumped into the window with some terrible movment and he cooked you.

  21. did i kill you? dont be mad , its just a game. you get better over time

  22. you can see the playernames on bottom. I guess i killed you and you are sad about it.

  23. Its not an opinion its a fact and common sense clown. Keep on being naive and clueless. Thats why you had NOTHING of value to say back

  24. I'm no clown I'm a consumer . You need to tone down . As a consumer you can't say anything.

  25. So if u acknowledge youre a consumer then why are you trying to tell the developers how they should make their game? Or how mechanics in THEIR game should work???? You dont see something wrong with that?

  26. bip bop im a consumer. cant reply to that . bip bop

  27. This has to be the smartest way to balance AA i have read yet! I will quote you for sure in future discussions.

  28. im kinda surprised to see positive feedback , everytime AimAssist gets spoken i get blasted to death with mean comments. xD

  29. Because you’re a whiny ass clown who thinks people who choose to use MnK are discriminated against the same way that poc and gay people are discriminated against. Of course race and sexuality aren’t a choice, while input choice is of course a choice.

  30. A skill to master . There's always room for improvement. Pints while aiming

  31. I have to say, that on the second 12 of the clip when you were shooting the enemy you didn't ping it.

  32. Este user pic parece uma imagem nazi cada vez que vejo o ícone de raspão.

  33. O meu exemplo não é tudo boas notícias e borboletas e arco-íris. O meu exemplo pretende explicar que ser trabalhador independente não é para quem quer, é para quem pode. E nem todos podem.

  34. Ser trabalhador independente é trabalhar . Trabalhas ganhas dinheiro .

  35. Se calhar na descrição já lá estava escrito, que não vendia em separado, mas a persistência de não lerem a descrição.

  36. No OLX as coisas estão a 100€ eu mando sempre mensagem a oferecer 80€ e que vou buscar amanhã.

  37. Sinceramente a pessoa fez uma pergunta simples e sem ver qualquer contexto do anuncio acho que bastava um não como resposta, isto se tentamos manter uma conversa cordial.

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