
  1. We live in the Midwest and we’re currently in tomato season.

  2. I’ve heard so many similar stories about these dogs, including my own experience.

  3. I'd still take battery powered over hydraulic.

  4. Sun rising over the miles of corn fields and hog confinements…GYFOH with this bullshit.

  5. Sorry, I’ll let you get back to smelling hog shit and enjoying toxic water.

  6. Pretty underwhelming response for a guy who refers to himself as hardbody.

  7. If this job was attacked by brain eating zombies they’d all starve to death.

  8. Could you make your own scaled openings on the drawing set and then use the area finder to determine sq/ft of the measures wall?

  9. That’s a lot of threadless couplings

  10. They’re not threadless and it is what is it is with a bender that only goes to 45°

  11. So do you spin the spin the conduits together then? Or do you mate two pieces up and install the coupling?

  12. Collings are simply the best

  13. Of all the different ways you could’ve ran to that box you might have picked the most fucked of them all.

  14. The fucking jailhouse lawyer types are the absolute worst.

  15. Conduit not pipes. Plumbers use pipes not conduit

  16. Forget about the arrow and learn to bend on center points.

  17. At least in my area I've run into some stuff that is overbuilt (which I consider this to be) and it doesn't get dinged. In this particular case you have a box that is mechanically stronger than the proper alternative and so long as the general grounding needs are met (if there's any taps) then I bet you they wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't risk it, but I don't think they'd ding ya for it.

  18. 110.3 is pretty black and white on this. I agree this is surprisingly efficient and like others have said, it’s probably a superior product compared to the traditional troughs we’re supplied. But the fact remains homeboy used a goddamn truck box for an electrical apparatus, it shouldn’t pass on principle alone.

  19. I'm a DIYer. And not one guide I've seen anywhere has ever suggested that I can turn off my own power. What

  20. If you’re doing electrical work on your home OSHA does not apply as you’re not an employee.

  21. I know I never brought anything up about OSHA. I was just saying it would be safer to work on electrical and electrical box if the main power came into a different side of the breaker box then the individual circuits went out; at least for DIYs.

  22. This sub is mostly for working electricians, so yes I assumed you were an employee.

  23. All I’m saying is it looked like he wanted to and then ran away when he realized that would require action.

  24. I don’t really care. The one guy looked like he was posturing and then disappeared.

  25. Sure glad it does though. Do better you poors!

  26. It's funny because you almost certainly pay less in property taxes than you get a subsidy for the schooling.

  27. Honestly I don’t even know what we pay in property tax

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