
  1. Incorrect. PU is in fact 15%. Kaioken x20 does the same damage as PU, and you got your numbers wrong. S is 5, M is 10, and L is 15. XL is 20. I’ve tested this myself.

  2. I also tested a bunch of other Super souls like You and this planet are dust and the Galick gun one and those didn't give me the power boost that I Hate What I've Become did. We are taking a flat damage of EVERYTHING across the board from basic attacks to strike supers Ki supers ults etc. It all gets the L boost (20%) damage

  3. I remember back in 2014 subscribing to a YouTube channel called “x22 report”, and this person would upload a video every day analyzing geopolitical events and predicting an impending economic collapse/doomsday scenario in the U.S. I would watch all his vidoes and tried to map out my escape plan since “the collapse could happen at any moment” even though I was a teenager who didn’t have the ability to do anything lol.

  4. Yeah they are some weird guys. One picture I saw in their "tomb" was this painting that had 3 skulls and in German it said something like "Who was the fool, who the wise man, who was the king" and it basically means all is the same in death. So you are right there. The guy who founded it also was a big opium dealer. Have you seen their induction rituals? its freaking weird. Your right they are obsessed with death. But how does that make them descended from "Druids"? I mean its been so long who even knows now.

  5. Apparently it's rumored that the skull of the famous Native American Geranimo went missing and it's home now is in the depths of Yale University

  6. Simple. The corrupt answer to satan. As cliche as it sounds that's the answer. There is no mystery about it. The "help" you claim they get isn't help at all it's more like letting a child get their hands on a weapon and just sitting back and doing nothing while they hold the weapon like it's a brand new toy (new technologies)

  7. Yeah but now Elon changed his tune. He welcomes AI and says our only hope is to "merge with it. He did a complete 180 turn and backtracked his stance on AI

  8. So I don't belive they can read your mind but they are the best at making highly educated guesses based off keywords and things it's sees using your camera and also your internet history etc anything tied to the web

  9. I did an experiment once a couple years ago to prove to my wife that our phones are "bugged" - she didn't believe me. Thought I was trying on tinfoil hats on my breaks at work or something. So, I said to her: "pick an animal, the more random the better" & she said "Chinchilla". I said the word chinchilla framed in a few different sentences and then opened up the social media and shopping apps we all love and sure as shit, I was being drowned in ads for chinchilla stuff 😂 "SEE IM NOT CRAZY!!" All within 2 minutes.

  10. This was happening since around 2013-2014. It's only gotten more prevalent since.

  11. I bet if the movie was woke it would have had positive reviews but when people ACTUALLY go see it the movie is terrible. Many such cases such as the newest Charlie's Angel's and the all female Ghostbusters movie which both did TERRIBLE also the last Newt Scamander movies (which got canceled after that) plus the animated Teenage Ninja Turtles movie where they ruined April for no reason. Yet another example of a movie that went woke and did terrible.

  12. This is a message from Cyntha Koeter, Janet Ossebaard's friend and co-producer.

  13. I don't understand any of that so this seems to be a clear cut case of suicide is what it looks like according to her friend.

  14. I can't say for certain one way or the other if these guys are the "p" word, but by all accounts, the nicest, most generous, and most humble Hollywood stars are Keanu Reeves, Gary Sinise, Adam Sandler, and Steve Buscemi.

  15. I just stumbled on it accidentally too. man the fuck is everyones problem in this thread.

  16. Despised Icon, Thy Art is Murder, Chelsea Grin and Angelmaker

  17. Angelmaker is gonna be mindblowing to a person who's never heard deathcore before haha. It's always great to see that happen in real time. The initial reaction that is.

  18. Despised icon is WAY heavier but I agree to a certain extent, Angelmaker is just fun

  19. Yeah just checked them out sorry. They are more Nu-metal not really deathcore at all in my opinion. Angelmaker is way heavier.

  20. SS: In a 2000 movie the character played by Paul Walker was gifted a red Porsche car. Then in real life years later he would allegedly crash in a red Porsche car. Was this predicted programing? Or just a coincidence

  21. That's the amount it takes for caffeine to wear off, not leave system dingus

  22. Why don't you argue against Google ? Since you know it all. Ive actually done this research so your not only wrong but your hilarious lly confident at being wrong. Knowledge is power. Now do some research.

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