
  1. The one that says it’s not illegal in Florida? Lol

  2. The misread comment above... that I also misread, saying 'if this was Florida... ' so yeah, I also misread it.

  3. There was a hearing before the SCOTUS a couple of weeks ago to determine if that law supersedes state laws outlawing abortion. Idaho challenged it because they don't want their hospitals saving pregnant women in crisis.

  4. Yes... in a nutshell, Idaho (our oh so wonderful attorney general, Drool Labradoodle) sued the federal govt over EMTALA, claiming it violated state's rights.

  5. I live and work in Wyoming and have been watching your states' legislative fuckery, we're not far behind y'all in the fuckery department. I work in healthcare and watching all of the...everything happening everywhere in regards to reproductive and trans care just makes me wanna scream. Hang in there, neighbor.

  6. Other groups say those groups are incorrect and just greedy, exploiting bastards.

  7. That is exactly the same experience I had

  8. So, BYU-Idaho? They're an ABET accredited school for engineering, so do they qualify?

  9. They already do. A 3-second google search shows BYU-Idaho does receive federal funding. The point of OP's original statement was likely oriented toward primary and secondary education (ie, K-12). At least that's my interpretation.

  10. Sounds like the builder is on the hook to remove the house and restore property to it's previously undisturbed state.

  11. Possibly it was another word in mind, self-censored for his own well-being and self-preservation, not necessarily for PG audiences.

  12. It is better to deal with one devil than to have to deal with every municipality having their own separate rules and regulations. That was the reason for the creation of a countywide organization there was too much variance and too many egos.

  13. That's just not true at all. You can essentially look ANYWHERE else in the country for an example.

  14. Just waiting for empty greene to call for a hearing and demand to know why the left is collaborating and censoring conservative views by not purchasing Teslas!

  15. I'm still not understanding why I would need a charger. I'm building new and am having a 240v/50 amp outlet installed in the wall of the garage for EV charging. We haven't bought the vehicle yet, but as I understand, the vehicles have the chargers built in? For example, the Volvo XC40 Recharge has a cord and plug that I could just "plug in" to the 240v/50a wall outlet. What does an additional "charger" placed between this outlet and the vehicle accomplish?

  16. Was just gonna say that's an odd-looking drag queen...

  17. If anyone is still questioning why the United States is lagging behind in the transition... This is why.

  18. Should recreate the famous photo of Biden leading the attack on Lee's troops at Appomattox. /s

  19. I am so mad at myself for laughing. The man is so fucking unintentionally funny. It just makes me hate him all the more. Wow, great job!

  20. I laughed. The "never fight uphill, me boys" is priceless.

  21. Well Putin wasn't born in the US and isn't even a resident, so

  22. ... and would never take a backseat to the orange mud-muffin.

  23. This is so hilariously accurate, and likely so much more satisfying than a throat punch.

  24. Whoa, whoa, whoa, now. Let's get back to that "I could be locked up for life" and dig into the details.

  25. Had a cool "Dixie" battle horn while doing it too!

  26. ...and a "cousin" with much-too-short shorts.

  27. The real problem is the morons who get their plates and don’t take 2 seconds to remove the temp tag in their windows..

  28. Yeah ... THAT'S the real problem. /s

  29. How sad to go through life afraid of literally everything.

  30. "It's the [Right-Wing] American way!" Fear and Loathing in [insert your town here].

  31. Bedrug has a rubberized version I think...

  32. She’s not paid to know, just paid to sow chaos.

  33. So... you're saying she's a "chaos sow"?

  34. A lot of liberals are here on reddit precisely because they like the comfort of confirmation-bias and recoil at being exposed to anything that's outside the hive-mind thinking because it forces them to utilize critical thinking skills.

  35. But spewing bullshit doesn't help anything. It just confirms you're a worthless source of meaningless drivel... which everyone in this sub at least already recognizes.

  36. Besides the worshipping part, you're clearly joking or clueless. And you haven't yet presented "factual content" so those of us who live, work, volunteer, and spend quality time with our families will continue to chastise you for being a feckless muckraker. Dream on, girl.

  37. As he sends his mistress and daughter across state lines to get an abortion then heads for the backroom to watch teen porn and rub one out.

  38. Ha! So, I read the username as "CountrySex" and was like, "this should be good!"

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