
  1. I am not tall but it happened to me too when i was very underweight in my late teens during a cold i caughed rly hard and then my breathing got worse and worse until i had to go to the hospital.

  2. You wait 30 years just to bang some old crone ? That is sad bro i say dont do it find sb around your own age

  3. Einwanderer Komiker die nur Witze über kulturelle Unterschiede machen alla "Deutsche fragen mich so: Woher kommen Sie ? Und ich so Ich bin Deutscher was da los ?" Dann lachen die Deutschen aus Pflichtgefühl.

  4. I disagree, people are mostly supportive in my opinion.. mb you are being a dick about it ?

  5. Considering we dont have fur or feathers we look decent. Shave most animals and they look disgusting.

  6. alcohol ? Can get you a little more in the right mood less anxious more relaxed and also horny just dont overdo it and dont depend on it mb just drink a glass of wine with your so before making your move.

  7. Almost all the women who rejected me said it was bc of my height so i dont know man just thank the lord for being attractive and move on or do you mistly date ugly fat chicks with type a personality ?

  8. It is still weird to me that a lack of height alone makes a person unattractive, i think it is impossible to fully grasp with male eyes but it is what it is.. i learned it the hard way too.

  9. German (super neutral XD) mainstream media does nothing but bad mouth the afd so i am not surprised tbh.. i think about 15-20% of germans vote for the afd so thats no small group and ignoring their viewpoints or labelling them nazis is not going to solve anything but divide the country.

  10. If your viewpoint is "all brown people suck and do not have the right to live here and vote, and I want to be able to arbitrarily decide whether you are worthy of living here instead of setting up guidelines and having a court decide", your viewpoint is not protected under the German constitution.

  11. I read their party program i dont recall reading anything about that. Look if it was just a few extremist weirdos openly being proud nazis like npd was okay, bann them, but like i wrote it is a substantial part of german voters are you telling me 15% of opinions should not matter should be banned and suppressed ? Does not sound very democratic to me. Oh and fuck your downvote asshole.

  12. I dont agree, if the short man had no muscle he would look much more inferior then he does in this picture. Also all men respect muscle no matter your height because it takes effort to build, it is only women who dismiss shorter men categorically and that is mostly bc they have to think about potential offspring. In fact if women did not care, height would be meaningless and if women would only bang short dudes a lot of tall guys would consider limb reduction surgery and complain on reddit about how unfair it is to have been born tall XD. Have you ever heard a short gay man complain ? Me neither

  13. I can understand why you would be bitter over this.. just remember that you yourself are no better though. You wouldnt want a partner with an ugly face either or would you ? Just be happy to be among the first generations who can actually do something about their ugly noses. A hundred or even 50 years ago you would have been the bumpy slope face for life XD.

  14. Ich finde seit Schröder sind die nicht mehr wählbar und das 'sozial' sollte man langsam mal streichen, da es schon lange nicht mehr praktiziert wird.

  15. Ist da was von abgebrochen ? vlt ein alter Spaten/Schaufel/Sense würde ja etwa zum Fundort passen.

  16. I get so defensive in these situations and god help you if you confront me but i am objectively in the right.. i wish i was more like this dude.

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