
  1. Let me be the first to introduce you to Waze and Google Maps

  2. That's not helpful. I have Waze, and even when the road is marked as closed, it still wants to send you down it. There's not many convenient detours this part of town. All other roads are either dead ends or are closed for work themselves.

  3. Keep Zappe as starting QB. He didn't get on the board last game, but I was happy with his moves. It made it more obvious what Jones was dealing with. Perfect passes dropped, no protection from the line, etc.

  4. I thought it went from Friendly's right to Four Seasons.

  5. I literally missed all the parts where we scored any points, lol

  6. If the problem continues, maybe consider getting NFL+ to get full replays? The NFL also posts 10-15 minute highlight videos of games on YouTube although I understand if you want to see every play

  7. Right? Why do I see so many of these? Completely voids the reason of having a license plate. It'd be if those low guards on the backs of semi trailers had sideways guillotine blades mounted on them.

  8. Next year as soon as you get w2, draft your taxes in the free tax usa and see what it comes to. Waiting all the way to October would have been too stressful

  9. Assuming you had an extension, it won't suck too hard. $165 tax, six months late, I think the penalty plus interest will be in the $10 ballpark.

  10. Didn't file for an extension, because I was sure I didn't owe. I guess I'll found out what that looks like.

  11. You neighbor should be filing a claim with THEIR homeowner's insurance.

  12. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and write that all out for me. Very helpful. Thanks again!

  13. So many helpful replies. Thank you so much! I'm calmer now, and will be calling my HO6 provider on Monday, so they can figure out if I'm responsible or not.

  14. Yeah, it looked rushed. Not being a VFX artist, my best guess as to why it looks bad is the lighting and shadows didn't match up to the rest of the background. It seemed like it was rendered, and how the rest of the environment would play off of it wasn't considered.

  15. And why do they have to make everything so intentionally confusing? Your insurance paid $400, and there was a vague "adjustment of $7,000. I mean it brought it down a lot, but wtf? It's almost like they're trying to make you afraid to call up and ask about the breakdown, and realize "Oops, that adjustment was a mistake. You actually owe $8,500."

  16. Just remember a girl at school asking me "Does this hurt?" before digging her heel into my toes. The intentional infliction of pain bothered me more than the permanent dent in my shoe.

  17. Oh, God, he's so pleased with himself. I'm completely embarrassed for him. He'll never get invited to anything again, I'm sure.

  18. No offense, I think this falls in the category of "of course". Coffee is more expensive than ice. They put a lot of ice into a huge cup. Just look at the size difference of a medium hot coffee and a medium iced coffee. If you order "no ice", you're basically getting a different size.

  19. Always worth a laugh when someone else calls you a looser.

  20. Her excuses about getting medical advice are B.S. She just likes having something to post that will get her attention.

  21. Everyone's an idiot here. Left lane squatters are the worst. Though I understand the inclination, brake checkers also suck. They put everyone else in danger with their little hissy fit.

  22. I think Def Noodles pointing out the evidence that he searched his own name on H3's channel, and changed the search bar to say H3 clips was the last straw. He knows he's done. That little move was just his "news" channel in a nutshell.

  23. I honestly don't see much resemblance, and I really like Tom Hardy as Max, so...

  24. Then they give you the old "I don't care what you do behind closed doors. Just don't shove your culture down my throat," line.

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