
  1. Pls stop posting I beg of youā€¦ the video is straight shit an so is your voice you sound like you could be the voice actor for spongbob

  2. People give Vahlen shit for telling you to not use explosives, but I always interpret her comments as nothing more than a suggestion. "Hey you know if you blow up the stuff we can't study it just fyi.". She never actually questions your authority, unlike Shen who will sometimes give you lip about the things you do. "Our troops are certinly proficient at killing aliens. I guess I shouldn't have expected any mercy." Yeah Shen we kill aliens. So far none of them have tried to surrender. I'm not gonna let a berserker live and potentially turn my soldiers inside out, because you think it's mercifull.

  3. Really, post time skip is so intense I want some more pre-esk jokes

  4. Worse is when you scout all game and play a comp completely uncontested only to have 0 hits.

  5. Literally what Iā€™ve been dealing withā€” no one touches duelist which Iā€™ve been using to get an easy 4th with and I cannot for the life of me hit any of them I needā€” especially trist which is the least likely touched duelist unless someone has fortune which I never see

  6. Nameless king, shit literally took me days to beat himā€” I had to sit there and remember the slightest patterns so I could keep the right amount of flasks on me to survive

  7. Not too hard, if you play trunkā€™s combo challenges his 10th combo has a jump cancel in it (a bread and butter that most characters can do)ā€” once you learn that that pretty much sets you up for the rest of the gameā€” after that itā€™s up to your own determination to muscle memory combos

  8. DDD is great but the thing I donā€™t like is the hitstun, it ruins the game for me unfortunatelyā€” because if you arenā€™t paying attention you can get killed or get hit with something because the enemy nor sora/riku really get stunned

  9. Iā€™m doing a stupid to get everyone to Level 99 including Shinji, before October 4th forā€¦ reasons; so Iā€™ve been in Tartarus for around 20 hours straight now. šŸ˜­

  10. I ainā€™t finna do all lat, hereā€™s all the Glokk songs I listen to n saved

  11. Is that why top 3 in all my lobbies are Storyweaver players?

  12. My most recent match 3 people went storyweaver, they went first second and thirdā€” I fucking hate this stupid fucking build man

  13. Leona when there was those alternate items, I forgot what they was called but I would literally tie with everyone

  14. Every month but June and July is saving you (Iā€™m not sure about August I havenā€™t seen the anime)

  15. Idk if Iā€™d call that perfectly but itā€™s def playableā€”

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