
  1. Yea, might be cause the link is from 7 years ago

  2. I haven't played in a long time but I remember Newton (CASUALS gm) telling me a while ago how a lot of them were quitting because Lilith was trying to monetize too hard by dumping more systems ppl can whale in. This probably went against the reason a lot of ppl enjoyed Afk Arena for.

  3. Literally not my point, but go ahead you illiterate assumptions moron !

  4. How does one play China PoE? I think it would actually be a fun challenge of how well you know the game to play a league and see how you. And I mean, there's a lot of stuff that would be fun to try like death recap, tree planner, and I think the pet would be a nice thing to try to be honest lol.

  5. The greatest barrier to entry is needing a Chinese IC or getting someone with one to sign up an account for you. Other than that it's just registering an account for QQ (Tencent's Whatsapp basically which they use for all their logins) and downloading the game (no VPNs needed)

  6. Honestly, the death recap seems useful and should be implemented in normal PoE as well ... With SO MUCH clutter and so many monsters everywehre these days, unless you are a streamer and can watch back your recording at 10% speed to figure out wtf happened to you, you often are left clueless about how you died - what type of dmg etc, making it much harder for newer players to figure out where to improve..

  7. The death recap isn't even a p2w mechanic since it's available for all players and there's almost no downside to having it. A lot of the comments I read in this post lean towards it being potentially misleading but we could easily just have it as an opt-in feature similar to advanced mod descriptions where player has to manually turn it on in the settings

  8. If 1 fusion core = 5 big cores, why 1 fusion core = 2.5 big cores in your calculation? Also big core = 20 small cores?

  9. For my calculations I took fusion cores to be 2.5 S APT Cores since it's

  10. In Workshop you will change 1 fusion core for 5 big cores and 10 special catalysts, 1 big core for 30 small cores and 5 special catalysts. They are limited in shop and theoretically unlimited in Workshop.

  11. When pegging values my rationale goes something like

  12. Just an update for those wondering. Basically graduated, works full time now doing fullstack web development so in terms of free-time, I barely have the 1-2 hours to create the guides, let alone countless more to research and keep up with the meta (I also spend a lot of time outside work reading up on it cause I feel there's still a lot more for me to learn). As such, it's quite hard for me to put out any relevant information with so little time spent on the game (especially so since I used to spend a lot more time looking at what other language communities were running and how they played the game)

  13. First off great work! While infographics is good and all is there a link to the actual spreadsheets for those like me who prefer to delve into the actual figures and calculations instead?

  14. Ah I usually do this on spurs of interest so they're stuck with my other sheets (and thus I don't link it) but here it is for those interested.

  15. Unrelated to the post topic. I have actually looked into your profile and I like what you did with the images, packing so many information into a small nice image. Could you please tell me what program do you use to make the visual guides?

  16. Personally I use Adobe Photoshop mostly cause I've used it for a long time already but something free/easier to pickup would be Adobe XD or Figma

  17. @whitesushi what app or software u use to make these guides???

  18. Each 500 diamonds is expected to result in .578 relic shards, not 147. Your math is off by three orders of magnitude.

  19. Thank you, this is correct. I'll edit my comment on top

  20. Hi, today I just discovered you can exchange 3x1 any celepogean spare copies once you get them to 5* A. Assuming you can target any hero there is the strategy of getting wukong to 4 stars then stacking on copies of him. However, I don't know how much gimping your progress for months is worth it in exchange for a better exchange ratio, what do you think?

  21. Lilith made it such that once you have 5* Wukong, you won't be able to buy him from the Labyrinth store anymore so it's not worth it

  22. Is there any hope for me to get either of these? I just started the game two days ago and this whole spreadsheet kind of goes right over my head.

  23. If you are currently at around 20k-60k labyrinth tokens, you should be able to at least get one and if you are at around 120k-160k lab tokens, you might be able to get both although that's highly unlikely for a new player

  24. It's mostly a case of space constraint when making these that sort of forces me to have smaller gaps between the end of text and the box containing it. My idea is that I want the text as big as possible so it's easier to read and making that gap large will force me to make the text smaller. It's not immediately apparent for this post but for some of the other ones. I could give it a try but I'm honestly not sure if the text would end up being too small. Title wise it's just a stylistic choice. In my other post you see I made an extension of the box for the title

  25. Opinions wanted. I'm on Chapter 14 and have 3 copies of Zaphrael. Does it make sense to prioritize copy 4 and Legendary Zaphrael over first copy of Twins?

  26. Definitely not unless you like the design of Zaphrael and really likes using him. If you aren't entirely F2P, it might also not be terrible

  27. Love you this guide, but I thought you were working on a Signature Items guide with the same style as the one you did for furnitures

  28. Yep it is taking more time than expected due to other commitments and also how many heroes I've to look through

  29. First one is for +haste, second one is for -haste. +Haste is resolved first using the first formula and then -haste is resolved in the second formula taking into account the result from the first

  30. So have you tried the skipping previous dismal bonus? Does it stack with the current double lab event?

  31. I tested this on VIP 18 and we will just take the amount of 1 small camp as example to make the point clearer

  32. Does anyone know if is dismal counted on the lab quests?

  33. The candy crush stuff is going to be permanent so if I'm not wrong, there's no hurry in completing them. There's also certain stages where the tiles are random so I'm not sure how that will work

  34. What's this hero choice chest you mentioned? I finished Forest Mania but that wasn't a prize (I did get a skin and a Shemira though)

  35. Finally I know what was going on from this break down, as a Chinese player, from a english community

  36. Yes the layout of Tieba is so much worse compared to Reddit. Reddit filters information based on upvotes and some timing/diminishing returns algorithm which makes relevant/useful posts stay near the top. On the other hand, Tieba sorts by latest comment so trying to find anything helpful basically requires you to manually scroll and see the ones with greatest engagement (its like hot posts but u've to dig through a few pages if no one comments on them)

  37. Does this mean those who got the skin in the event will get the skin taken away?

  38. Only for after patch 1.51. I believe the event was released before that

  39. Stylish is spooky lmao. He uses weird comps that still work vs tough opponents. My favorite pvp thing I ever saw was him using some abomination of a comp using numisu and some other less used units to swing over zolrath kill comps consistently.

  40. Since level 90-100 of tree branch is equivalent to levels 1-50 of tree branch combined, Stylish used to abuse his high sustenance by slotting in more sustenance heroes such as Numisu which made up for the lacking strength of individual heroes

  41. The new 9/9 ability grants the shield to all five allies the first two times it is used now. The shield grants damage reduction equal to 300% his ATK plus the dodge. Unless I'm misreading it...? Or is the damage reduction worthless?

  42. It's not "damage reduction" but the game's way of saying how fat the shield is. Lorsan's shield is about 75% of a Lucius ultimate and Lucius ultimate is almost negligible (they both scale of attack rating which is meh)

  43. The base table is a must... I was trying hard to understand those sections.Also.. I would prefer a furniture tier list, instead a furniture priority list, to really measure which of all furnitures is the most game changing for each hero and let the players choose priority.

  44. This was actually the whole point of this format rather than a generic format. In generic formats (top down list by sections), the priority of a hero is often muddled in with the strength of their furniture item. With this format, the user can simply ignore the colour banding and decide solely for themselves based on the strength rating (2x2 grid placement)

  45. Great guide! On a sidenote, 30% increased damage is not "pseudo 150%" increase, it is what it is, +30% total damage, since your base is already the damage that your 5 heroes do. I know I'm nitpicking here, but I thought it's misleading.

  46. How do you then portray the difference between a hero that only buffs themselves versus another that increases it for the entire team? It's not technically +150% damage but it's akin to giving each members a +30% which is 5x 30%

  47. Lol seems that the translation error misleaded many of you

  48. Yes I mentioned Athalia attacking a lot and I consider that fairly decent. Athalia's attack sequence typically consists of 4 normal attacks into kick (purging Frenzy) which are approximately equal in damage (4 autos = 1 kick) so having 80% on it while being extremely easy to activate is good in my books. Athalia also has some of the best furniture stats which synergize really well with her kit

  49. This was helpful and got all my 60 pieces but the exchange button is still grey anyone know why I cant redeem her?

  50. You can only start exchanging from a certain date onwards

  51. Hi, I just caped on guild coins rn, but well it’s not time to exchange yet, what should I do? Should I just let the extra mail ones go to waste at this point? Thx

  52. Just buy stuff with them, there's still a month to go until the exchange date or something

  53. So I've a question about this tier list, since it seems to be objectively the PvE meta right now: what does the tree look like for this? The heroes at the top are pretty much all over the place, and I've seen people say often that celerity should be the tree priority, but I still don't really know how to work that out :/

  54. 15 points in Might/Fortitude/Sorcery and the rest of them in sustenance or celerity. Generally Celerity focus works out better since Gwyneth and Eironn benefits greatly from it and also how F2P typically wouldn't have the god comp built. You are also indirectly stronger from Abyssal Expedition that way

  55. Can someone make the argument for drill mastery?

  56. If you were to work out the math for it, the mastery difference is about

  57. Fairly new to the game is it really going to hinder my progression if I take gwen instead of following the priority list snagging two copies of her from one event when iv only gotten 2 so far in 40ish days of play time feels like it sould be a good move sence she suppose to be a really good carry (I'm only in chap 12-23 for campaign prog mostly using Shemira as the carry right now)

  58. Event priorities exist because some resources are much cheaper to obtain from events than other sources. The best example of this is faction emblems but gold emblems, blue fodders, POE coins or even Twisted Essence all exist in the same vein. These are resources that will speed up your progression so not having enough of them later on in a way hinders it.

  59. Stargazing / Stargazers which is a feature you unlock at Chapter 16 that behaves similarly to hero choice but lets you pull for Celepogeans specifically

  60. Amazing guide as always, just 2 questions. In the budget line up for the burning brute is is there a replacement for Cecilia? And for ice shem, any way to replace a ezizh? Other than that I have everything down, which is kinda dope considering this I only just got the twisted realm featured today.

  61. This guide is really old and for more updated formations I recommend just scrolling through the top ranked players in your TR leaderboard or checking out

  62. Turns out it wasn't really worth it going Sorcery on the left side, everyone on our side is having a ton of trouble progressing (many were stuck even taking a T5 without help) while the Celerity team is already at final boss. Plus, given the soul link between the 2 penultimate bosses, you can just hit Nemora with Celerity heroes and still do a decent chunk of damage.

  63. While that is true, the problem is the final boss. Even with 5.3 relics on some of the best Celerity heroes, you are only expecting to do 70m damage per attack at best which is like 115 attacks across your Militia on Albedo alone, assuming she is as low as half health by the time you kill AinZ (unlikely but generous estimate since she takes 70% less damage and realistically she'll be over 50% if your Militia has no sorcery)

  64. Thank you for the guide Sorry to ask, when given the choice upon registering, which one to chose ? How much does it cost in diamonds ?

  65. U should always pick honorable because you are likely to get further with your Militia and claim more rewards. The entry costs 3000 diamonds but you recover it just by reaching Duke rank which is very easy in an honorable militia and can even earn another 3000 on top of it if your damage is good and your Militia is helpful and gets you a T8 etc

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