
  1. I log on just to fish sometimes. Having to watch for other players enhances the experience

  2. he is? I recently got back into the game after a long time and seeing his health he seemed awful

  3. He gets shields through an ability, makes him really tough to kill when played well

  4. Glazed over the post at first and thought the title was "How high is your ram usage, idiot?"

  5. I'm glad I snagged the translucent bezel when I order my FW13. It's not usually my thing and I almost didn't, but tbh it fits the laptop so well and I'm happy with it

  6. I think the cringiest thing you could possibly say in 2024 is YOLO, because it's so outdated, awkward, and unfunny. No redeeming qualities. It's perfect

  7. Why continue playing if they're not getting on?

  8. I'm in the same boat; low GPA physics degree, but a BS. It sucks feeling like I have the ability to do stuff just below what would qualify me to do most jobs. I've been good enough to help my engineer friend build a robot, my software friends code, and so on. Never to the point where I feel competent enough to look into jobs in those industries, though. Doesn't help that I also don't know what I want to do anymore, and I stopped caring about physics all that much.

  9. Morthal or Dawnstar are usually where I settle down

  10. Meeting Derkeethus. I didn't really have a companion I liked up until him. After that he followed me everywhere.

  11. I haven't played OW with aim assist before but if it works like many other games I assume it just slows down your crosshair when you are hovering over an enemy. Or does it have some other things to it?

  12. Don't forget magnetism, which nudges your crosshair towards the enemy

  13. If you stretch the definition a bit, yeah. Depends on the game. The Finals was (is?) really bad with it:

  14. I think about installing it again but I remember now much I didn't like it and decided to wait a while longer

  15. I just really wish I could understand why, especially when she's kind of a throw pick rn!

  16. I think at its foundation it's because she appears like a lazy character that you just have to hold down left or right click to play. Of course, there's more to her than that, but characters in any game with a low skill floor are generally hated, and their players looked down upon unfavorably. Just classic gamer elitism ig.

  17. It used to be better. Several seasons ago. Until it was nerfed and the cooldown for GA was doubled.

  18. Ah, didn't know it was doubled. Guess I missed a fun time

  19. It's still easier and more powerful than in OW1. In OW1 it wasn't an official ability, but a tech that required precision. Not every Mercy player could do it. Or was pretty much the only way for skill expression on Mercy.

  20. I didn't remember the Mercy movement from OW1, but I just looked at a video and I get what you mean. I do prefer the OW2 movement, having not enjoyed her in OW1 all that much.

  21. Why was this guy downvoted? He’s right. I mean, foxes and wolves eat things, and pillagers pillage villages, i mean other than that yeah, theres barely any food chains, as for ecosystems, i mean, bees pollinate and sheep eat grass. Thats it

  22. Ok and the first guy wasn’t? Saying polar bears are needed in minecraft because they are a keystone species?

  23. I think he was too, but I was just responding to a question

  24. Kiriko. I think her design is boring and the VA is bad, so I avoided her initially. The first time I gave her a try, I immediately clicked with the gameplay. There's just so much flexibility and you have some sort of answer to practically everything

  25. Also Gen Z, in college. I didn't get it either, but two of my friends play into it so much that I now shamefully launch into fits of laughter after hearing brainrot. I don't know what the humor actually manifests as in Tiktok videos (don't have one), but when joking around with the right friends the absurd stupidity is hilarious. Most of my friends find it annoying, though.


  27. I eventually came around to the view that class isn't for learning, and I'm paying for college to get opportunities and experience more than anything else

  28. I had to speak to therapist who referred me to psychiatrist so they could evaluate me, and they DEFINITELY didn't start out with fucking Adderall! 🤨🤨🤨

  29. My psych did as a 1 week trial to test, had to try so many different drugs early on

  30. It's not a consistent 60fps, and any dips will ruin the illusion of smoothness. A perfect and unwavering 60 will look pretty good, but if it's dipping to 40-50 when you look at a forest, the game will entirely feel slow. Also frametime plays a part

  31. Glad you worked things out. I was also diagnosed with severe ADHD, but at 20. It's a confusing demon of a disorder so I empathize

  32. Speaking as someone with ADHD, try to not fall into the trap of overly identifying with the disorder. Work to incorporate it into your own self-understanding without jumping to label behaviours. My doing that was poorly conducive for working things out after I got a diagnosis. It's just a part of you, not good or bad, and others are wrong to perceive it as either.

  33. Yogscast had some fantastic MC series ages ago. Practically ancient lore now

  34. That one is a banger. I love the Voltz series too

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