
  1. Keep in mind this is alleged. We don’t know either way.

  2. No one will be able to afford that shit

  3. Of course they will. That’s for the rich, not the average Joe.

  4. It’s good. I like that the MC doesn’t act like a complete goober when a girl shows interest in him. Story is fun. Characters too.

  5. I must admit my opinions on the prequels has changed significantly after the absolute wank that was the sequel trilogy. It's like they went out of their way to make them terrible or something.

  6. The prequels aren’t great films, but they do have excellent world building and are entertaining.

  7. STL is a nice quiet town compared to Miami traffic.

  8. Two byes makes too much sense if they add another game, but no way does the NFL give up a week of TV revenue by having an NBA/MLB style All Star break

  9. They wouldn’t give up a week, they stagger the breaks so there is always someone playing each week.

  10. But wait. Does that mean he can make a pp and make it bigger or smaller?

  11. This is a topic the author has not addressed.

  12. Made the magic system more like oblivion. Spellcrafting especially. Mage’s went from being godlike to just some guy.

  13. I think its rather a problem of pacing, rather than the meetings itself.

  14. I wouldn’t mind them having meetings in different areas instead of the same meeting room.

  15. Mahomes: I don’t think about you at all.

  16. Yeah I agree with Fallout 4. Quite a few of their armors are rough haha. But not all of them were horrible. Leather armor I've always thought it looked great, especially with the right under armor. Marine armor was pretty decent. A lot of them just look too bulky for me.

  17. Playing through fallout 4 now and the armor is bleak. I want to have the best armor (non-power armor) possible but heavy combat armor is disgusting and institute looks pretty bland. I can’t believe this is the best they could do after Skyrim.

  18. I have at least as many female friends as male. If not more. I’m single. They range from single to married. I treat them like a normal friend.

  19. Just gonna leave a notation here that Neloth has been around longer than anyone else in the game, possibly even longer than Miraak, and should rightfully strike fear into the heart of the Dragonborn.

  20. Not when the Dragonborn can hit him with a sword that does 9999999999 damage and absorb health.

  21. The greybeards and the oldest mages. The psyjic I'm assuming are super powerful since they can freeze time. Basically anyone with fantastic magical power.

  22. Yes, but the psyjic are so incredibly boring. So they don’t count.

  23. I don't understand how there can always be this many job cuts when the higher-ups make millions.

  24. Yeah, coming from those rumors the last few weeks and Todd Howard saying he wants short release windows between games it’s kind of obvious this was going to happen. I’m sure their individual games were good but there are tonnes of more people that would like more Fallout and Elder Scrolls instead

  25. I still can’t believe it’s been 13 years since Skyrim came out, and we aren’t even close to TES6. That’s insanity for such a huge franchise.

  26. You do realize we are still waiting for GTA 6 and that's way bigger

  27. That’s understandable since they make like $500 million per year with gta online.

  28. As long as it’s clean, it’s a great time.

  29. I like meetings but not this many. I'd be disappointed if its not a useful meeting and just a filler like that highway episode

  30. Tensura is 80% meetings. Just the nature of the story.

  31. I haven't started to watch season 3 at all, I'm waiting for the season to end.

  32. I use to wait for dub, but when I got a bigger tv I didn’t mind reading the subtitles as much. It’s nice not to have to wait for content, or miss out entirely.

  33. What I'm getting out of this thread is that people would totally be cool with us winning again. Nice.

  34. Mom said it’s our turn to rule the league.

  35. If you hate us so much then why did you let us win a Super Bowl in your locker room?

  36. Garrus and Miranda/Liara are my go to. Wonderful companions and their abilities are always useful.

  37. I disagree. The game I like more is the best therefore this has to be wrong

  38. The things that I like are better than the things that you like. This is the only way I can feel.

  39. I want my partner to do whatever they are comfortable with. You should be talking to your fiancé about this now. I can’t imagine not wanting to marry someone because they won’t change their last name, but that could be an issue for them. If they are the right one for you it won’t be an issue.

  40. I pee directly into the drain. It’s like it never even happened.

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