
  1. Sheeeet. I was hating in Nvidia and skeptical about dropping $20k on shares after my husband asked me to buy in. I can't hate too much now considering we've made over $3k 😬😬😬😬

  2. I do my own nails. I always try to tell the nail techs what I don't want done to my nails (like use a nail drill to take gel off or clip my cuticles) but they don't like that and won't take the gel off properly. So to avoid the drama I just do them myself. It probably costs me like $50 every 4 to 6 months for acetone, alcohol wipes, and cotton pads. Then I get gel base and top coat every 6 months. We won't talk about my obscene amount of nail polish I have but I get indie brands that cost $10 to $14 a bottle.

  3. Let's go NVIDIA! I've made $2,800 so far and I'm living for it 😍😍😍😍

  4. I got mine ripped off all the way over the weekend and not only is it painful i am filled with anxiety that i may never get another nail back or it grows in all crazy. I have spoke with a few people who have said it will grow back. About how long did it take yours?

  5. Take biotin. It'll help it grow back faster. My nails and hair grow fast so in total it took 4 months for the new nail to cover the plate. It might look weird at first but it will grow back fine. :)

  6. My Savannah does this. She also does it if something stinks. I was eating something she didn't like and when I put my bowl down she tried to bury it 😒

  7. Reading some of these comments makes me feel better about being in school at 30. I just got my bachelor's in biology (useless without a specialization) and aiming for Clinical Lab Scientist. They make like $90k to $120k a year. However I also get VA disability benefits that is currently sitting at $50k a year and I receive money from family estate that totals $35k to $40k a year. I basically get almost $90k a year sitting on my ass 😬 but it allows me to focus on school without worrying about money. That doesn't include my GI Bill benefits. I don't exactly make over $200k but by the time I'm done with school I probably will. My goal is Veterinary Medicine buuuuut I'm not sure I want to deal with having to retake organic chemistry.

  8. Preferences change. For a while I was all about Live Love Polish (before they became Mooncat), then it was ILNP, then it was Holo Taco, Starrily, Fun Lacquer and finally I'm loving Mooncat. I'm just a little bored with Holo Tacos shades and formula but that's ok! I do keep an eye out for new colors I'm loving in case I want to grab them though.

  9. Not to start you on another brand but have you tried Sassy Sauce? Love their polishes! Especially Cock-A-Doodle-Doom. So amazing in person.

  10. Losing my furry soul mate. Every day I'm hanging on by a thread without her and all it's going to take is one manic episode before I unalive myself. So far I haven't but it's always on my mind.

  11. The Pokémon center in Tokyo Japan! God I miss that place. Back in 2017 I got deployed there for 6 or 7 months and when my husband came to see me we went to Tokyo for 3 days. The Pokémon center was the first place we went and that was the quickest we've ever spend $500 😂😂😂😂😂

  12. I had to stop wearing mine. There was no way to keep it on my face at night as I pull it off no matter what. I gave up on wearing it after like 6 months and now I'm considering the implant.

  13. Let me grab my reading glasses before answer this question....

  14. HA jokes on you because mine has been crap since 20 and my husband's the same. That fool has thick ass glasses and he's only 32! Our poor baby will not have good eye genetics.

  15. The benefits of working out. My father started regularly working out in his 40s. Nothing extreme, just consistent. He is now 87 and is still in great health. All of his doctors have credited the fact that he started regularly taking care of himself as the reason why he is doing so well.

  16. Even though I'm only 30 I workout consistently and can tell you now that it helps you heal quicker too. I went to the gym before, during, and after my pregnancy, I'm 6.5 months postpartum, healing was way faster than I thought. I had to have an emergency C-section and all the nurses were shocked how quickly I started doing stuff again. That shit still sucked but by week 4 I was back in the gym walking on the treadmill and by week 7 I was lifting light. My cardio is still trash but hey a win is a win.

  17. That I stuck temporary tattoo eyebrows on her face. We will only have one child so I won't have several kids to do this to but at 6 months she still doesn't have much hair and her eyebrows are VERY light. So..... I stuck some temporary ones on her. I'm dying 😂😂😂😂😂

  18. Reminds me of the time my gf drew angry eyebrows on her daughter with eyeliner when she was a baby. I have that picture somewhere.

  19. That I was a hermaphrodite. As a pre-teen I noticed I had discharge coming out of me but because my mom was terrible she never explained to me that this was completely normal. It wasn't until I was 15 or 16 that I had to find out from a random internet stranger that no I wasn't and that I was normal. Oh and I thought babies were born with clothes on.

  20. There's nothing wrong with me, the story is just really basic and uninteresting.

  21. Obviously there is. If you didn't like it then you didn't need to comment.

  22. A used vibrator. My mom used to clean hotels and brought me with her. While this in itself isn't that bad it is when I, a very small child at the time, thought it was a bottle of lotion. I go to open it and only see batteries so when I tightened it down all the way down it started vibrating in my hands. I've never seen my mom snatch something out of my hands so fast 😂

  23. Reminds me of the stickers you could get out of grocery store vending machines 20 years ago

  24. Huh.... Idk why but I'm getting $132.74 more than I should for 1 child and a spouse at 100%. 😬😬😬😬😬

  25. This makes me glad I had a C-section 😬😬😬😬😬 It wasn't my choice to get one but still. I clenched my cooter just watching this.

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