
  1. Because they have somehow moulded themselves into cool "Che Guevara style freedom fighters", who appeal to people with too much time on their hands and too much self indulgence.

  2. hugo weaving (and others like him) should be forced to watch this and all the other images and videos from October 7, before sprouting pro hamas/palestinian hypocrisy.

  3. Definitely. Saw to many people saying that the IDF's drones were so advanced they could "Read the letters from the cars" and stuff, which is just blatantly false to any account. This was a horrible mistake and an unjustifiable murder of humanitarian aid workers but assuming this was intended by the IDF is ignorant to the facts.

  4. Murder requires intent. No intent then no murder.

  5. This happens when you have terrorists ride in ambulances, UN vehicles and red cross. Full integration with the civilian populace is a conscious tactic used by HAMAS - so that the chance of these mistakes are increased.

  6. Only military force in the world that owns mistakes and provides transparency.

  7. Shame about what Raven did to Councillor Mindy Russell! I can't understand how he was not sacked.

  8. Admiral Doctor General Aladeen must have provided the grid reference.

  9. His actions were impetuous and angry. Dictionary definition of a hothead!

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