
  1. They’re not pulling their weight when it comes to military spending. I dont know or give a fuck about Ukraine or global politician circlejerk. Groceries r expensive

  2. I agree in military spending but that not really what we are talking about in a it? But that’s exactly what I’m telling to foreign aid directly reduces the price of your groceries.

  3. We’ve been fucking with other countries for decades and groceries keep going up, people can’t afford shit so idk

  4. Oh yes they do 🤣 my aunt loves her gringo colágenos

  5. Noem had been given a dog by a neighbor who found it too aggressive to handle. Turns out, those neighbors were right and Noem couldn’t handle it either. Thought it was a danger to her kids and bit at her once, so she shot it.

  6. It was a puppy that she could’ve trained. She thought the puppy was born knowing English or something

  7. My dog, Cake, is 18 months old and the worst thing she’s done is eat every 3.5mm iPhone adapter I buy. I don’t know why she likes them so much. Should I shoot her? I think her mom Marcy will be sad, but I could probably just shoot her, too. I’d rather not, but if that’s how you solve a problem, who am I do disagree?

  8. And their justification for choosing the bear is always literal sexism.

  9. Gotta be wary. You’d be wary with your daughter too

  10. Leftist brainrot has destroyed millions of women. Yet they still can and do vote.

  11. My amazon will walk over to my face to preen my lashes, hair and make kissing noises if I’m crying. He stops everything he’s doing to go do that

  12. Your account glows more than any other here. You have no ground to stand on to be calling people bots lol

  13. Anything you don't agree with is bad faith, and "zionist?" Do you mean Israeli or Jew or just someone who believes Israel should exist? I'm confused by your use of the word Zionist here.

  14. It is bad faith because of the words used and methods. It was really bad stats actually. Seems “well written” to you because of your confirmation bias, but it isn’t well written. He knows what he’s taking about in terms of stats, that doesn’t mean he can’t be disingenuous.

  15. All these words and not one actual critique of the content. Except that you don’t like it and that’s it’s not from Al-Jazeera, the source you trust 🙄 Who “confirmed” Hamas’s numbers and how? Hamas themselves admitted that they are not sure about 11,000 of the deaths they reported.

  16. From what I remember, the terms used are not neutral, showing bias, bad math. And it grabs a small piece of a graph to “demonstrate” the numbers are fake.

  17. And that causes you to talk to mockJewish people threatened…. Because the war in the Middle East is directly tied to American Jewish influencers in New York? If you’re going to constantly say Israel, Zionist and Jews are separate, your frustration should be focused only on Israel and not American Jews.

  18. Because they’re not threatened. You want to be victims so bad when there are reall victims in mass graves.

  19. Dying to know why American Jews being threatened has to do with Palestinians in Gaza? Almost like you’re tying together Israel, Jews, and Zionism. Because they do belong together dumbass

  20. Look at these influencers, all they do is post a woe me writing and then the next story they’re drinking and showing their outfits and where they’re at. That’s not threatened. Just attention seeking.

  21. LMFAO have you seen 4chan? Very moral and decorous rightwing individuals ahahahaha

  22. You are equating mainstream subreddits with 4chan? That's not the win you think it is.

  23. A moderated area vs an unmoderated area. 4chan isn’t all that alt, that’s where all the memes come from.

  24. I’m not from New York for one. Nobody is being kicked out of their homes. Israel has nothing against the current residents unless they are terrorists. For example, Hamas used a school as a weapons dump. When Israel bombed the weapons cache, Hamas bitched and moaned about the collateral damage saying that Israel bombed the school for no reason except to kill kids. Which is a lie. Then Hamas has the gaul to lie through their teeth about the fact that they rape and murder their own people saying that it’s Israel’s fault.

  25. Why are you lying? Israel keeps seizing land from the West Bank and people get literally ripped from their homes just so settlers can move and then treat the displaced residents as second class citizens. You know this, we all do. Let’s not pretend that the land grabbing isn’t Israel breaking international law.

  26. The US has not given Israel money for a while. The last thing we have them was F-35.

  27. Why do you keep lying? The US gives aid to Israel every year and now with the war they keep passing aid packages. So funny ignoring the rest of the comment though hahahah

  28. Going through the same thing. Hugs. Hopefully it gets better.

  29. I'll have you know I was always pro Israel. How in the fuck can anyone support anything those Jihadi fuckers on 10/7 did to those poor girls - and I emphasize this: girls.

  30. Wait till I tell you what the IDF has done to girls

  31. Wait till I tell you what almost every country in the world has done to girls

  32. Yea the world has been pretty mean to girls. Glad you acknowledge that

  33. You’ll never be happy if you live your life trying to cater to the male gaze. You’ll do the most to act lobotomized for them and they’ll still dump you when you’re no longer a fun plaything for them. Just be yourself and don’t worry about them, that’s how they become obsessed.

  34. No but if someone else did it I won’t Judge and also IF I had a daughter I would raise her better.

  35. By saying you’d raise her better than that, you’re already judging. You know it’s messed up, that’s why you’d raise your daughter to be different. Aisha was someone’s daughter. If the prophet doesn’t know better than the standards you’d have for your daughter, isn’t that telling of the religion?

  36. The times are different and also if my daughter was about to be married to a literal blessed prophet I won’t hesitate to arrange the marriage even if he was 200 years old

  37. Why are the standards different for some dude that says “it’s ME”

  38. Because I'm in the middle of dealing with power outages, a boss that is wanting to tell me about a new python package he found and I should use it (even though he isn't a programmer), a HOA board (of which I am a member) where no one else understands finances and one of the members promised the community that we would do all of X work despite the fact the board didn't approve it, a dog that has lymphoma and I was about to physically leave for the vet at the time I was writing so I could get chemo for him, and a mother who just moved herself into an apartment that she can't afford and will bankrupt her in about 4-5 years. Somehow digging out my old textbooks from the 1990s for a rando who was probably a troll based on the conversation so far didn't seem that important. It was the quickest way to end it. BUT... if you look at what chatgpt said... it was correct. 2-4 for each factor level. Usually 4 or 5 factors for each independent variable. You are in the ballpark. It's not the thousands and thousands and thousands that tweezertwit claimed it was.

  39. A monte carlo simulation uses “thousands and thousands” of iterations. Could be used for a beauty study because there’s a lot of variability to account for. That IS a thing. Your “magic number” that then you backtracked on isn’t a thing.

  40. She shouldn’t necessarily stop feeling hot. But, she shouldn’t act entitled.

  41. Right. It’s possible to see oneself as super hot and still be a nice person to be around. Not everyone will see you as a 10 even if you see yourself that way and that’s fine too.

  42. Why’s she wearing a dyson airwrap travel pouch

  43. I mean, if liblefts feel like the way you do about children then this is kind of a self correcting problem. So in that case, by all means procede lol.

  44. Beliefs aren’t genetic lmfao I could have a child that turns out prolife

  45. You chose to have sex knowing this was one of the consequences, seems like a personal problem to me. 

  46. Sex happens. It is what it is. Luckily my state allows abortions up to 24 weeks and forces my insurance to pay for them 0 copay.

  47. They really do. They don’t see them as humans, just as a nuisance

  48. Israel withdrew from Gaza and kicked jews out of their homes (some of whom were very historic communities) in 2005 because everyone said the terror attacks would stop if they withdrew. And Palestinians elected a terror group immediately afterwards, Hamas, who were responsible for the 7.10 attacks. That proves that withdrawing from the West Bank wont do shit, cuz they already tried that with Gaza.

  49. Do you want a cookie for withdrawing from land that isn’t yours? Why are you ignoring the fact that by “withdrawing” you mean turning it into an open air prison AND propping up that same terror group responsible for those attacks. Don’t prop up terrorist groups, easy.

  50. i own the first bag and it's been pretty great with moving my GCC around when outdoors. one thing i have to warn you about is that the bag smells pretty strong of plastic when you first get it. i had to air it out for a long while - about two weeks - for it to fade significantly.

  51. I have mine outside for that same reason. It’s been a couple weeks but it’s still cold outside here. It was too strong for me!

  52. Keto sliced bread helps me so much. It has 35cal per slice and I think 6g of protein. You can have a couple sandwiches guilt free

  53. The talking about it is so real. People think you’re too vain for openly talking about these things we all think about

  54. Skill issue. Make friends with powerful allies. Nobody was stopping them.

  55. Becoming besties with powerful allies doesn’t necessarily make you a powerful country. Take a look at Central America

  56. So then it goes back to my initial statement. Get better at war and you won’t have to worry about getting shitty peace deals. What the fuck is this flip-floppy ass argument you’re trying to serve me?

  57. Why do you have to be good at war in addition to getting enough support from the US so that you don’t get your shit stolen? The world isn’t supposed to be the Wild West. You just don’t do some things, that’s why we’re all mad at Russia rn. If it was any other country we wouldn’t be saying “skill issue.”

  58. They said completely different things. The one not downvoted said capitalism is not awful morals. The Auth left said capitalism is awful morals

  59. I’m referring to the authleft saying “if there’s a market for it, it’ll rise up” referring to porn. Hella downvotes. Then a libright says: “if there’s demand there’s a market” upvotes. They’re both saying that the market will reflect the morals of consumers, but differently flaired.

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