
  1. Be straightforward. I'm as proficient in the languages of love and flirting as I am in Classical Amharic.

  2. As a species which procreates sexually, we would go extinct within the next ~120 years as no new humans can be born

  3. I have more immediate things to attend to, like doing a statistical analysis on the number of pickles in my pickle jars.

  4. Please do not injure yourself intentionally unless it prevents far greater harm.

  5. Be straightforward when people act inappropriately. In some cases they may not be aware that what they did or said is inappropriate.

  6. It's probably not the worst out there, but there was some guy in the US who was super obsessed with Icelandic singer Björk and one day when he saw her together with some other guy he ended up attempting to mail an acid bomb to her UK home in order to kill or at least severely disfigure her, and killed himself after he got the mail dispatched. Luckily this mail was intercepted by police before it could arrive. His entire breakdown was (and is) available to see on the internet. It's absolutely terrifying to what lengths a mind suffering from untreated mental illnesses and parasocial behaviours can go. And I fear that especially that latter part is only becoming worse. I.e. your mind suggesting a bond or even an entire relationship with someone more or less famous when there is none and the target person may not even be aware of your existence at all. I feel like OnlyFans DM's are especially provocative when it comes to such parasocial behaviours and it may lead to something far too dangerous for your own good if you are not aware of their parasocial nature. Even if most instances fortunately do not lead to acid attacks, suicide or other violent behaviour.

  7. The guy behind films like Idiocracy as well as the series Beavis & Butt-Head and King of the Hill

  8. He kind of acknowledged that Idiocracy was mistaken as an instructional video

  9. Wenn du ein Auto hast, wäre der Wertstoffhof eine Option.

  10. Wird er auch bald. Ich bringe ohnehin den Elektroschrott unseres gesamten Hauses dort hin, weil der früher sonst immer im Restmüll landete.

  11. Some cytostatic drugs used to treat late stage cancers are basically chemical weapons but gentle. So a lot of care has to go into manufacturing them, making sure they’re the right dose and sterile while not poisoning yourself by accident.

  12. There isn‘t even a financial incentive for the richest .01% to do so

  13. Figuring out which parts of my personality aren‘t just ADHD symptoms.

  14. Wahlomat bei meinem Ergebnis: Top 5 Die PARTEI, die Grünen, die Linke, FDP?, SGP, Niedrigster Score die AfD.

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