
  1. This is the Biden Administration banning cheap EV’s, something the world desperately needs asap.

  2. Nobody wants garbage EVs that quickly explode. China can keep their cars.

  3. I live in California and our power goes out whenever. I’m not risking the computer damage of leaving it on constantly

  4. Homeboy where in California do you live that has this issue? I can't even remember the last time I had a power outage.

  5. I’ve had them in southern and Northern California. My current apartment has lost power 5 times since January multiple hours at a time. Same with my last place.

  6. I'm in SoCal myself. It's been years since I had a power outage.

  7. it's overall against the building i can't park behind them maybe aside from them but idk how they will handle that i'm afraid if my car gets towed i won't be able to afford to get it back

  8. Just tell management you will park beside the car in your spot, whenever there is a car in your spot.

  9. So China is bad so we should do the same thing as China??? That makes sense.

  10. If they restrict us from their market, why should they be allowed to benefit from ours? Every other country plays fair. I'm sure China can do the same.

  11. just out of curiosity, was Meta allowed to sue China when they banned their apps?

  12. Lol of course not. People love to apply double standards to the US.

  13. What genocide? When? You bots love making up garbage

  14. You people get played so easily. They create this fake drama to create hype and attention. They are all friends in real life sitting on millions. While people actually get offended and take this shit serious is hilarious. 10 years ago drake and j Cole were shopping at Best Buy together buying each others CD’s.

  15. Drake and J Cole aren't even beefing. Homeboy wtf are you even on?

  16. Damn, no way. I'm listening to both of them. Kendrick must have already known what Drake was going to say before before Family Matters was released and prepped with Meet the Grahams. He wasn't lying about OVO working for him.

  17. When the US sends billions of taxpayer dollars to some foreign country which isn't even poor btw, instead of investing it here for those students and everyone else living here, it becomes a domestic issue.

  18. Those are legitimate signs of stress and abuse, or are you a cat abuse expert now hmmmm?

  19. Please post your source, because you guys just be making stuff up on the regular.

  20. Lmao you guys are saying that's insane. But here in San Diego that place could easily go for $1500, and it would be a steal.

  21. Not really, just the patience of normal well regulated person.

  22. I don't think I've ever seen someone dodge a fade and still not swing back.

  23. Dang again? I remember when a girl jumped in the LRC back in like 2013

  24. Art looks like suikoden but I know they haven't put anything out in ages

  25. The makers of this game are literally the same people that made suikoden. They developed their own studio and crowd funded it.

  26. Bytedance has zero reason to sell it since America is objectively a small part of their market. They’re going to fight the decision until the ban is actualized. After that, bye bye TikTok.

  27. If it gets banned in the US and American users move to a different platform, most of the rest of the world will move to that different platform as well. That's just the way things are.

  28. Yeah many of these are probably leftover pve talents.

  29. Weren't they trying to pass a TikTok ban bill along with the funding? (I'm behind on the the news). 

  30. Yeah the Tiktok ban was slid in with this. But it gives Bytedance 1 year to sell it instead of the 6 month deadline that was in the original bill that was passed by the house but ignored by the Senate.

  31. There are Americans born everyday all over the world they just haven’t come home yet.

  32. Bro did you make this up? Seems like a quote from a movie or something

  33. Not really. As another poster mentioned, all you really need to do is wait until the poles reverse. It's going to happen eventually.

  34. To identify who was who as spectators, announcers, officials, or photographers look at the participants.

  35. By your definition that would make them competitors...

  36. Public opinion is short lived. Unless there are constant reminders, people will forget quickly. And since Uyghurs don't have a way to organize and speak out, their plight gets overshadowed by everything else happening.

  37. Homegirl go talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. This is a slam dunk case and you deserve compensation.

  38. I remember when we gave up on this game after losing countless times. Then one day someone found the cheat codes. We blasted through the game after that and kept remarking how different parts would have been impossible without the cheat codes

  39. Ukraine has NEVER been a US ally. They were content to sit on the fence and buddy up with Russia until Russia started kicking them around. The reason why they can't join NATO is because they waited until after the 12th hour had passed to make any real effort.

  40. a little historical context is missing here, for once, these men are talking about a time about 80 years ago, vastly different set of morals than what we have today. heck even 20 years is different, so think 80. secondly, these men operated under no law, since this was either before or just immedietly after the founding of israel. it wasn't even called "IDF" back than, and they groups they belonged to were more guerilla warfare groups against(originally) the british , rather than actual army.

  41. Chasing prisoners with flamethrowers for fun and raping children is "ultimately justified"? Fuck out of here with that garbage. And these old men are smiling and laughing while they reminisce about doing it.

  42. "They all work and he doesn't..."

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