
  1. Okay but what ifnyour husband didn't belive you ? What if your sister in law literally ruined your life because of a "joke?" Especially of he's in the military!!!!

  2. “There are plenty of men who will put their hands on you if they even have a dream where you cheated”

  3. No, I'm aware. It doesn't change the facts. It's not "normal" but any time a woma. Goes missing the husband/partner is the first suspect.

  4. No. What happened to you is not “normal” and not acceptable. It is also not “normal” for mothers to be beaten if they burn dinner. As somebody who is currently in therapy it has really helped me personally and I would really encourage you to speak to a counselor or therapist who specializes in domestic abuse.

  5. NTA That’s easily a $150 cake and looks adorable and professional, what on earth could SIL have a problem with, it’s so much better than anything their $50 could have bought at a store.

  6. Butter is expensive and the main ingredient in frosting. Cakes are a lot more expensive to make than people think, on top of it I’m not a professional bakery so I don’t have access to bulk prices.

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