
  1. I still use Bacon Reader to view reddit but can't interact with anything through the app anymore because Spez ruined Reddit, so I just wanted you to know that your comment made me venture into the actual reddit app just to like and reply to it.

  2. I appreciate the effort and comment, friend. I hope he would have laughed at it too.

  3. Sharp looking K9 teeth in a woman. I am not a vampire I swear….

  4. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho obviously.

  5. I watched this when I was 16 (1997). I was into skateboarding, drugs and girls. It kinda opened my eyes a bit at the time, even if I didn't know it. It felt so relatable. Definitely changed my perspective.

  6. I watched this when I was 16 (1997). I was into skateboarding, drugs and girls. It kinda opened my eyes a bit at the time, even if I didn't know it. It felt so relatable. Definitely changed my perspective.

  7. Having too much fun playing the field! 39yr old man, and loving life. Good job, no kids, hit the gym 4 days a week, no idea why I’d settle down now. Maybe when I’m 50.

  8. I saw this last summer. That hike is no joke! So. Many. Stairs…. Def worth it though.

  9. Did you use it a Lora or embedding in the 2nd photo. Good photos BTW.

  10. I did not. Just prompts and a sci-fi model + Hi-res or upscale.

  11. It worked with this pic, because I can use this reddit link as an input path, but it has to work somehow with google drive. But it doesnt work with the normal google drive path or the link to the pic which is uploaded on google drive. there must be a smarter way to use init images without posting the pic somewhere first.

  12. I bought a detached in Brantford last year June. Just sold the house last month. I wasn’t intending to sell my house at all (at least for 5-10 years), but prices were sky high then started to level out. I figured if I could sell for 10-20% more than what I bought it for I’d be able to roll that over into a new deposit and move closer to the gta (work). Somehow I was able to make 13%.

  13. LPT: if you can afford it, go to therapy, either individually or as a couple. The relationship may still end but you will have the tools to deal with it.

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