
  1. From the same folks who also say that the sun doesn’t exist, or it’s actually tiny, or (my favorite) every person has their own private sun that only they can see.

  2. Bet it won’t be long until “you too can buy a Trump White House Key for only $199.99!”.

  3. You need to be on antibiotics. Thats a sign of blood poisoning, a life threatening infection. Go to the ER now please.

  4. It a common reaction to this procedure. This isn’t ER material.

  5. I particularly like banning words to protect free speech.

  6. If the RNC get busted tampering with votes, they win and will never investigate. A stark contrast to how they have behaved and what they've demanded since the last election.

  7. Conservatism breaks down to having an in group that the rules protect but do not bind, and an out group who the rules bind but do not protect.

  8. Alcohol (ethanol) should be a schedule 1 drug in the US, going by the definition of drug schedules.

  9. It was de facto schedule 1 during Prohibition and it didn't work out very well

  10. No it didn’t. And it wouldn’t again. I’m just saying that ethanol fits the definition of a schedule 1 drug.

  11. You mention an attorney. What are your damages to recover?

  12. who cares? 2a has been being violated for a long time on college campuses for decades and no one even remotely care, it seems like until its a left issue, no one cares. More over, the should be punished, everyone has been being gaslit by this whole issue for so long, that now theyve lost touch with the real issue.

  13. You’re right. Because a completely unrelated thing exists then no one should care about OP’s statements.

  14. It’s all good. No worries. I once had a boss get upset with me for using ‘No worries’. She got all defensive, almost yelling that she wasn’t yelling. In hindsight I should have told her to chill dude.

  15. I once had someone get irrationally angry that I said no worries. They apparently really dislike it.

  16. If you don’t go buy a bidet I will come there and break your fucking legs.

  17. No, it’s a term based in science. I’m sorry that you don’t like that it applies to you.

  18. Because it’s fun to screw with scammers. Fuck em.

  19. Great! Let’s do it! I don’t think the results will be what you think.

  20. If you buy an arcade you can get the master control center that will allow you to run almost all businesses from there.

  21. Auto shop is also good tbh, not big lumps of money, but you can have a constant flow of selling cars for 20-35k without having to really do a mission, only mod the cars and have your employees deliver the cars, its a fun semi passive income if you like to mod cars

  22. Every time I’ve had an employee deliver they damage it on the way. Is that just how it works?

  23. Prince fucking Harry? Can they at least pick someone, who hasn’t been a public figure since they were born!!!!

  24. When you never have to back up the wild shit you say and start to believe that YouTube makes you a physician then everything is viewed as the truth I suppose.

  25. I’m sure whichever manager you turn it into will enjoy it

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