
  1. Gdy faceci przy 30 są tak źli że normalne więzienie nie wystarczy.

  2. How old is this meme? Look at that google logo

  3. Uwaga jestem numizmatykiem po 5 minutach czytania w Google, więc to co napiszę to może być stek bzdur. Dziesieciogroszówki z 2002 roku wypuszczono w bardzo małym nakładzie. Stan I (menniczy) oznacza, że nie była nigdy używana (stąd pewnie taka ładna).

  4. To jest licytacja i jak widać ktoś nie ma na co wydawać xd

  5. Women don't want responsibility???

  6. It's about wife (a married woman considered in relation to her spouse) wearing her husband's (a married man considered in relation to his spouse) clothes (items worn to cover the body).

  7. -The bottle changed over time

  8. Kinda, but we were curious about her character and how she could impact story.

  9. He has different personalities depending on an episode.

  10. Loona has plenty of scenes that show why she's lovable. Like that one with Octavia in S2E2.

  11. After that scene she punches Blitz. She literally gave speach about how important fathers are just to punch the only person who truly cares about her.

  12. to jest FAŁSZERSTWO!!! To jest mapa pollucji (gorącymi mężczyznami) a nie żeńcochłopcami!!

  13. Żeńcochłopy to są gorący mężczyźni, czyli wszysko się zgadza

  14. https://giphy.com/gifs/XpqAFE6t3uC8nyMPUA

  15. There would be lots of discussions about how evil it is for a woman to force gay man to have sex with her.

  16. So white people's safety is threatened by others just for existing?

  17. How demanding. Makes it look as every girl is the same. You can't just ask your girlfriend what she wants.

  18. Ducktales. I have never heard anyone say anything about the show except for the song.

  19. Then I'll do it ... It's good. Both old and new version.

  20. Becouse english isn't my native language and phone somehow autocorrects that word like that.

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