
  1. What the hell are you doing with your feet in the fourth pic?

  2. Almost like....you're at work? Am I missing something here?

  3. Yea but it was in the very back and it was already dark. Still had a good laugh when they handed it to me

  4. I really hoped they would add back the glowing effect from this one amazing spider-man game

  5. Hast du Dead Space 2 gespielt und/oder Final Destination geguckt?

  6. Someone give an award to these woopers. They visited me in the hospital today too

  7. The comics are supposed to do that but the last one never got released :(

  8. Ich werde durch ganz Deutschland wandern um dich und dein Wablu zu finden.

  9. Ich vertraue in die Entscheidungen die dein (mein) Wablu für die richtigen hält.

  10. The Wimpod card is so cool, like they're scavenging a sunk ship!

  11. They are so cute like, look at the one trying to eat a whole ass bottle

  12. udyd says:

    I love this community

  13. I would say touch some grass, but considering we are talking about PokemonGo..

  14. I'm more upset that she was underused. Was hoping to see more of her.

  15. Me too until I saw that video, but it was also a big snake so idk, I didn’t major in Snakussy

  16. You did the right thing by going to the police little bro.

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