
  1. Excellent eye! I have no idea how I got my wires crossed for that first one. That's too bad because LLZJ… is the funniest ending imo. As for the second one, I'm honestly not surprised I got confused there. It was such a nightmare to keep track of which of the Round 3 "landing pages" any given video led to. In my notes I had 0odt… labeled as "KICKED OUT" (of Round 2) and b41… labeled as "LAST CHANCE." And I tried to keep them straight in my spreadsheet, but I guess at some point I must have gone "oh only the early Round 2 losses lead to KICKED OUT, so I can just put that over here" forgetting that Yohv… and AGL2… are technically part of Round 2 also.

  2. Hello! I made this the day after the Rock Paper Scissors project was released. Grey removed it because he wanted to keep outright spoilers off of reddit for the first few days, but said I could repost it after some time. So here it is! This took me all of a day to make and I'm reasonably pleased with the result.

  3. This would be a lot clearer with explanatory labels and a legend. What do the colors and 2 3 F mean? Why are some videos boxed together in white boxes? I just went through once for the most genuine experience and have no clue what these complex paths mean.

  4. fair point. i thought it was pretty clear when i was making it, but that's just explainer's bias i suppose.

  5. wait was it removed? i've never understood reddit's deletion system because like i can still view it

  6. So from what it seems that this blocking is actually being done at the user level, you can logout paste the link of the video and it should work. It worked for me.

  7. yeah it's just unfortunate that this solution doesn't let you interact with content. commenting is a pretty important feature for me

  8. So....I don't like ads. I do not want to see ads. That is why I Googled a workaround when I got the popups today. However, I do not see how a platform forcing ads on its free users is 'demeaning' in any way. I am not a content creator but forcing ads does not just give Youtube $$, it gives content creators money so in that way Youtube is protecting content creators, which is the right thing to do. As a free user, having to watch ads is basically a given on anything like mobile games, many websites, etc. Why is it demeaning? I mean, I don't wanna watch them, but I think it's also normal to be expected/forced to. I think people like you are super entitled. Why do you think you get to just have unlimited free entertainment?

  9. I don't think I could explain my standpoint in any way that would change your mind. At the end of the day my disdain for ads is just an extension of my disdain for capitalism. Time and agency should not be viewed as less valuable than money, imo, and the asking price is too high for a service that should rightfully be owned and operated by the people.

  10. right sorry i was excluding the lil guys in that. obviously you can cook and eat the little fish. but you don't need to kill the stalkers to get their teeth. in fact i've never heard of anyone doing that. their teeth fall out sometimes when they bite things, whether that's you, scrap metal, a seamoth, etc.

  11. Would love to see this, uhh,,, devoxelated? Would be interesting

  12. Trust me, the whole process of trying to get the base even remotely centered made me wanna pull out my hair! This was the closest I’ve ever gotten!

  13. Oh damn really? You can’t just place structures directly inside

  14. Nope. The whole setup requires you to build up from the sea floor with I corridors until you reach its bulb. Then, assuming the placement is good enough, it’ll allow you to snap-place a base part inside its bulb. After which you just gotta go off of that.

  15. What do you mean? It’s someone who’s passionate about linguistics and teaching linguistics, and also has an asmr channel. I’ve watched plenty of asmr teaching videos on various topics. Zodiacs, tarot, foreign languages

  16. You absolute fool, they’re both set to moonlight sensor mode!!

  17. The only reason I disagree is that you can deflect their shots. If you couldn’t, I would absolutely place them on par

  18. As much as I would love a new dimension, I would honestly be happy if this was just an expansion of the the soul sand valley

  19. zzvu says:

    According to my dad, as a kid I coined offneath as the opposite of underneath

  20. When my sister was little she used to say “undered” like it was a transitive verb

  21. So that’s the full context of the clip huh. Still just as confused, I love it

  22. You know that’s always been a sticking point for me when learning about ancient human history. Like we always talk about the Siberia-Alaska land bridge as how humans got to the americas. And while that is undoubtedly true for many of them, who’s to say some people didn’t just walk straight across the arctic circle? Like you don’t necessarily need a land bridge when the two continents are already connected by ice anyway

  23. They didn't literally just walk across the land bridge all in one go

  24. You can live on ice. Granted your only real source of food is ice fishing plus whatever provisions you brought. Also there is historical precedent among some arctic cultures for eating newborns in very dire situations.

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