
  1. Analytics are faster update than the on channel page number. Dont sweat it.

  2. I never bot any of my views. What does YouTube count as a bot view?

  3. With enough time and practice, you can do it. (Tip, grab a horse or a golf kart to help you get away from the WOF to be able to heal up, and to be able to survive the huge speed boost at low hp.)

  4. It depends on the type of content you make. If you make funny moments gaming montages, the title will probably come from recoding, editing, or uploading. If the type of content is a documentary type, then the title will probably come before you even begin working on the script. Altho, that include the fact that you might think up a better title while working on the documentary type video.

  5. Be careful making the mistake of constantly checking your viewer list. Don't call out the lurkers as that's something that makes lurkers not want to talk most of the time.

  6. I'm just constantly checking the viewers list to see if someone joins in the stream so I can talk to them. If they don't want to, then I won't force them to talk. Altho, you are right that I shouldn't call them out on it.

  7. Trust me, this is a noob trap. Talk on stream as if you're already talking to people. People hate being called out before they chat. Not all people but in my experience quite a few do, myself included.

  8. I've been talking to myself throughout most of the stream, even when no one's watching. But I won’t point out when some just tune into the stream. I'll just wait on them to talk first.

  9. It was nerve wrecking to post my first video, but nothing felt better to see the views on your video to start to go up, especially since all the growth was on the algorithm side and I did nothing to promote it. My first short even got 500 views all by itself.

  10. Only for this one moment, RNGesus is on my side. Everything else I try to do that involves luck. RNGesus is giving me -luck.

  11. You can tell recording software like obs to only record the stuff you want to (the game, your camera, etc). Anything else will not appear. You can also set your discord to streamer mode, so you won't get discord notifications on stream, and discord will automatically do this if it detects that obs is running. You can also mute your work application notifications while your streaming.

  12. First, you need a basic understanding of c#. After that, the

  13. Thanks! Any idea of where I could start learning c#? Sorry 4 the inconvinience

  14. I learn mine from YouTube, Google, stack overflow, and from other people's projects.

  15. From github, vitustotal said there is a virus Trojan.malware.300983.susgen

  16. Are you downloading the 1.4 version of tmodloader? If you, then u should download it from

  17. "You feel an evil presence watching you..."

  18. Out of curiosity, how are you able to tell that the account is a bot?

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