
  1. Nope. 4-5cm smaller than your normal ride. I'm 6'4, 230, size 15s. My normal is a 162/163. I've a 159, and that thing turns the same as a cat with a laser pointer. The turns are just so tight. Never thought I'd be able to get under 160. Love that board.

  2. Im about the same size and weight and i have the 156. Its surprisingly comfortable

  3. I use a file axe meant for axes, i love doing it manually, elbow grease and relaxing. I dont need em razor shard just a tune here and there

  4. Where do you live? It's got yo be north east. That's a lot of wood to go through

  5. Northern Quebec, Canada, this should be good for 2 years, every 2 years il fill up a bit less around 4-5 cords

  6. I could do full electric but it isnt the same at all, once the basement is warmed up, the whole concrete foundation is just a big hot rock

  7. La Bolt est 42 000$ et ça c'est avant le rabais de 12 000$ des gouvernements. La Kona Électrique est 44 000$ tx et rabais inclus. C'est pas donné, mais c'est pas plus cher au final qu'une voiture à essence, et c'Est pas 70 000.

  8. Dans 4 ans besoins d’une nouvelle batterie a cause du sel, imagine La technologie obsolète

  9. I’m only metal enough to intervene against the cruelty of nature. I’ll fucking fight a duck to make sure the momma duck can scurry away with her babies.

  10. Yeah but nature is cruel, its the circle of life, some birds kill the wesler one just by throwing it off the nest , brutal but its nature, you gotta to let it be

  11. Come now, we can do better than that. $1,503.50. At least.

  12. Ouais c’est clair je comprends à 100% mais cette directive de pas donner de sac vient de où? Clairement le personnel a manqué de jugement pour te servir convenablement.

  13. I got mins blown after trying it in the airfryer. Exciting results and easy mess to clean up

  14. They shall re-Tal this story for life.

  15. You can refuse to pay the extra tourist tax in Niagara in restaurants aswell

  16. You need ortopedics insoles, the “disposable ones” from the stores are an illusion

  17. Le jour ou le représentant de « mon pays » aura un turban sur la tête Jvais probablement vomir dans ma bouche.

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