
  1. That’s a lot of zombies gameplay. How much total time spent in there?

  2. I’m almost done with zombies grand mastery for MWII and MWIII weapons, I never wanna see a zombie again.

  3. how much longer than interstellar is borealis? borealis looks so good but it looks so long

  4. It’s not that bad once you build a good pattern for getting the guns done, I’d come in with two guns and work on both.

  5. Once one person brings it out, the other team is like "OK... I guess we're doing this..." and its pretty much game over.

  6. The cars been bugged for ages, the tires always look popped even when they aren’t.

  7. Most common issue I've found is the grips bubble and peel over a matter of months on a so called premium controller

  8. The Xbox Elite controllers have the exact same issue, wild for how expensive these controllers are.

  9. I switch between my 120hz iPad Pro and my 60hz iPhone Pro all day long. I don’t see any difference at all.

  10. It’s more noticeable the bigger the screen is in my experience so a 60hz iPhone doesn’t look as choppy as a 60hz iPad.

  11. I hate large maps because of the hide n seek and camping aspect. There's none of that in small mosh pit and you can just focus on gun skill. But now it's medium range 1 shot shotguns that has the fire rate of battle rifles

  12. Implying people don’t camp their asses off on the tiny maps too is hilarious.

  13. I ordered the 13" Pro a moment ago. I'm basically gambling that iPadOS is going to be significantly improved at WWDC. 🤞

  14. I hate ones that swap to burst or make bursts longer, it tends to just waste ammo.

  15. Uhhhh no? It’s not like the other usual akimbos. You absolutely have to manually press reload every time.

  16. They auto reload when empty and you get 2 shells for each when they do.

  17. No, no they do not. Plus who even wants to do like that? What we want is a full mag to shoot with, not constant little to little.

  18. Factually wrong but okay. Unless you’ve messed with a setting somewhere all weapons auto reload when empty.

  19. Kinda an unfair comparison lol ones during a game where the enemy moving  the new clip you were able to line them up exactly in the middle of the cross hair lol

  20. The spread is also basically zero with this setup, it’s like a marksman rifle more than a shotgun at that point.

  21. They love nerfing any gun that is fun to use

  22. The sidekick isn’t fun which is the crux of the issue, it’s just a spammy luck cannon.

  23. I just realized how weird it is that Nikolai was on the bad guy team in 2019.

  24. You'd be wrong if last year is anything to go by. Last year was great in so far as GW/Invasion, gunfight support, at least I thought so. And if this year would have at least held up that standard, I'd be happy. But it's nowhere near it. My question was, why even have these modes if you don't support them. Why not just cut the fat and do straight 6v6?

  25. Last year 6v6 suffered immensely, huge lack of maps early on and more than half of the later ones were remakes or ripped from Warzone.

  26. Make a new Mini already my 12 is clinging to life.

  27. I hate that I can finally feel it starting to chug a bit when doing things. I could probably use it for for a couple more years but it’s gonna get rough fast unless I stop updating it.

  28. The mercenaries in general are just all around not fun to fight. I always avoid them if given the chance

  29. They’re literally just like the DMZ bots either they’re storm troopers and can’t land a shot brainless or they beam you like the terminator. No in between.

  30. I swear this community is insatiable. First, you guys want Gruntpocalypse, then when they bring it, you DON’T want it anymore? Let’s be grateful it’s here! It’s additional content like we always wanted.

  31. It’s almost like it sounded fun on paper but then when we got to play it a lot of people realized it’s boring and frustrating.

  32. Yeah I agree. I’m glad it’s over, but I’m also grateful it wasn’t removed entirely. I bet if it was, y’all would be complaining about that too. the Infinite Team at 343i is trying to do good for the community, but Microsoft is pushing the company entirely to the next halo game. They’re gonna abandon it like my father abandoned me 🥲

  33. It’s definitely fun once in a while the weighting is just wack, 50/50 is too much.

  34. Stick drift on controllers has seriously made me consider just straight up switching to pc. I bought the edge controller and it’s the last one. If it keeps getting drift then fuck this.

  35. I’m definitely refusing to buy a “pro” controller of any kind until they incorporate hall effect sticks.

  36. mate did you forget pings are used constantly in this game lol

  37. Not by controller players more than likely since the ping button is so awkward to press, maybe on PC more people are spamming pings?

  38. It was legitimately unusable when fired at the same time, the shot literally left the crosshair by quite a bit in a random direction.

  39. I'll never go back from OLED. Best picture money can buy. LG specifically. They always are at the forefront of TV tech.

  40. OLED TVs scare me for gaming since I keep TVs for so long and they have burn-in issues still.

  41. Snipers shouldn’t have aa, i think they used to the past couple of games though, and through most of this game

  42. As long as MnK and controller are mixed they can’t remove AA from snipers as much as I’d prefer them not have it.

  43. The only thing silly about the ipads camera bump is each lens still sticks out like the iphones bump so they collect a lot of dust.

  44. It says on the attachment screen if it increases reserve ammo capacity, if it doesn't say that then no. Also worth checking comb attachments if available on the gun you use because some of them increase the reserve

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