
  1. I was able to get something pretty similar with this prompt: "(your idea here), in the style of PS1 game graphics, low poly game renderings, late 90s/early 2000s 3D game design, --ar 4:3 --sref

  2. Thanks I’ll have to try. Every time I have tried something like this it looks way too modern

  3. “Your kids life depends on it” sounds like someone who hangs around the polling locations to “encourage” you to vote Trump

  4. Would you call the European conquest of Native Americans a religious war? Because technically it was Christians fighting pagans. It seems that religion is the least important issue. The bigger issue is one group (often white Europeans) stealing land from a native population. It really doesn’t matter what religion they are — they would find a reason to take the land and subjugate them because that is the goal of colonialism. 

  5. So you’re just going to ignore the whole Jerusalem thing or the fact that Hamas literally wants to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth?

  6. All of these issues occurred long before Hamas ever existed, when Zionists began to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. And Zionists continue to ethnically cleanse Palestinians in the West Bank, where Hamas is not in power and largely does not exist. And it would continue to happen if Hamas disappeared tomorrow, as evidenced by almost 100 years of history. 

  7. Non-US here: can anybody elaborate on associations? I can see the hot-dog and pizza, what's the rest? ty (:

  8. What's #4? I'm taking it as a roll somehow filled with sticks of French toast custard and I'm so down

  9. Can you please tell me the prompt used for these images?

  10. Sure! Most of them were just “an isolated and cozy cottage in/on X”. I think I used “modern” for #2 and bungalow for #3 but mostly I think it came from the “isolated and cozy”

  11. I watched the movie for the first time this weekend and have already rewatched so I could experience it with my wife.

  12. He can now rest easy knowing his wife’s killer is finally dead

  13. Democrats don't have the spine unfortunately. If we had a backbone we would have expanded the supreme Court by now.

  14. There’s a difference between spine and integrity. I think democrats haven’t stooped to all of republicans bullshit tactics which is something we should be happy about

  15. Study history. Check out scholars who have spent their lives to studying this topic.

  16. I have spent a lot of time studying the history of Palestine in the last 6 months to better inform myself. I feel very strongly that history would show Israel has oppressed the Palestinian people and I would defend that with no hesitation. What I am cautious of, however, is excusing the acts and tactics of extremist groups that intend to harm innocent people as well

  17. I’m glad that more people are able to see the forest from the trees. There’s also a lot of historical documentation of how occupying forces demonize resistance. See South Africa, decolonization efforts in Asia, central and South America, American natives, and so on. It’s the same playbook!

  18. I think you have to be careful here though. I would say there’s a difference between resistance to an occupying force and terrorism. Bin Laden justified 9/11 in his letter to America by talking about US support for Israel. I am not saying you would defend 9/11 but when an extremist group plans a coordinated and deadly attack against innocent civilians, it’s a dangerous road to view it as anything but a horrific act of violence

  19. They're not justifying it, they're rationalizing what leads to it. America has a history of spreading violence in other countries and as a result, it radicalizes people. 9/11 and 10/7 victims were innocent civilians that didn't deserve it, but neither did the thousands of Palestinians since 1948 when israel was created by the UK and US as a decades-long colonialist project. People fight back against their oppressor 

  20. You’re putting words into my mouth to make me the person you want to argue with. I never said Israel hasn’t been oppressing Palestinians for decades. I am not defending the actions of Israel over the last 75 years or saying Palestinian people don’t have the right to be angry, frustrated, helpless. What I am saying is I don’t agree with rationalizing hijacking planes to fly into buildings that contain thousands of innocent people. That is not a rational reaction and I worry that we’re taking small steps towards justification with rationalization

  21. Says the one putting the words in the mouth of the previous person. They didn't justify 9/11. They basically said if America stopped terrorizing people in other countries, then people wouldn't get radicalized to hate America 

  22. Yes and I am trying to understand what exactly America did that led to radicalization to the point of carrying out 9/11

  23. I’m glad to have been made aware of this, but this is ludicrous. An article I was reading said from 22-23 to 23-24, the number of EdChoice scholarships increased by 60k, but only a few thousand new students ended up switching to private schools. So essentially Ohio taxpayers are subsidizing students who were already attending private school

  24. This confuses me every week or so when this gets posted again. In a lot of countries (New Zealander here) contractors get paid roughly 2-3 times as much, to make up for the fact they need to sort their own sick leave, annual leave etc. It’s very lucrative, if you have the skillset people are looking for and you’re good to work with.

  25. This is a rallying cry for the “me” generation. I certainly don’t think our work culture in the US has been sustainable and wouldn’t argue it needs to stay the same. But this kind of “antiwork” stuff always rubs me the wrong way. You don’t have to sell your soul to try to cooperate and be part of a bigger team. If your employer is asking you to do things you aren’t comfortable with or don’t want to do, then communicate that and/or leave and find work you prefer. A lot of Reddit loves to get off on slamming middle managers, who are majority just regular people trying to do the best job they can.

  26. This is cool but not that different from short films people have already made with publicly available AI tech. The duration of some of those original Sora videos would make me think it could have actual scenes or at least slightly longer shots

  27. Your so wrong, what this has that they don’t have is consistency and coherence

  28. I mean it is certainly a lot better and some of the shots are really good, but many still just look like small animations of a still image

  29. Isn’t it that we are wired to want more than we need or that we are taught to want more than we need? I think it’s the latter. I think people can unlearn overconsumption. I think the motivation to overconsume rises from fear. It’s really the fear that is the underlying issue.

  30. You are probably right, in which case I think the biggest challenge is the transition. People don’t like change… so there will inherently be fear in this big of a transition. But is it impossible? No. I think just very challenging

  31. A theoretical world exists on the right where most humans don’t need to work and the resources (food, housing, etc) are supplied by AI and automation. Money wouldn’t really need to exist in this world. Humans could be free to do what they want: travel, create art, pursue whatever hobbies they desire. Crime would plummet without scarcity for the poor. We would have a renaissance of sorts.

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