
  1. Are you just posting this same question in different strength training subreddits?

  2. I am a wilderness first responder, that notebook goes more in depth on critical medical emergencies as well as calculations on medicine doses and such

  3. What medication doses are you needing to calculate in a wilderness situation? Asking as a paramedic

  4. You could apply to the fire department. Most departments are hurting for people (this is a recent phenomenon) and they value military experience. You can also use your GI bill while in the academy. Or any county/municipal job.

  5. All of them will look at you holistically.

  6. Cool, do you know of any schools that have high minimum PCE requirements?

  7. The WLF stadium. In one part they also talk about how the WLF was fighting the seraphites over a fish farm. The WLF weren't lacking in equipment and food.

  8. dc-k says:

    PM me your specific questions.. but yes, you will be a solo medic on a lot of runs including shootings, stabbings, high risk pregnancies, working arrests, and respiratory cases. You will be put through an internship to prepare you for the city.. it is not meant to teach you how to be a (confident) provider. This is not the place for you if you are used to having 20 paramedics on a stubbed toe run. I recommend looking at surrounding jurisdictions if you want a medic rich richer department (Montgomery, Fairfax, Loudoun)

  9. Moco, Fairfax and Loudon aren't medic rich, they are also struggling to recruit and you may often be the only medic on scene for calls.

  10. Well they prescribed me Hydroxyzine as a temporary remedy. Which so far has kept me from going into a crazy panic attack type mode. Still have the palpitations and my chest feels really strange but I’m placing money this could be some sort of anxiety triggered affliction. It’s strange because it happens out of now where and gets really bad really fast. When I arrived at the hospital they told me I was hyperventilating which I had no idea could happen so quickly and be unaware of it. There’s a slew of things it could be which is why (after 4 visits) they finally are getting me referred to a Cardiologist. Also my ECG showed a Tachycardia Rythm so could actually be something with my heart.

  11. Tachycardia just means a fast heart rate, nothing inherently bad. Having an anxiety attack can cause a fast heart rate.

  12. What a cutie! Love those ears. What’s the personality like?

  13. Possibly. The pr interval is borderline but WPW not excluded as it could be a fusion. EP study indicated.

  14. aVR is a good place to look since you won't be distracted by patterns you're used to and V1 is the best place to view P wave and PR segment morphology. The P wave should be right up against that slurred R. There's a lot of artifact so I can't tell for sure but it looks like there could be atrial enlargement (see II and aVF).

  15. I have no science to back it up, but I'm guessing it's a combo of mild winters, "mosquito" sprays, lawn fertilizer, and weed killer. You don't hear crickets chirping either. I lived in Va Beach til I was 14 then moved to Richmond. There were always crickets chirping in both locations. Now it's pretty silent at night in the summer.

  16. The article mainly talks of light pollution and land development destroying their habitat.

  17. What sources (podcast/videos/books) do you suggest for reviewing and learning the top rope solo setup?

  18. Dude.. you've made 5 posts in the last week. At this point it's paralysis by analysis. Read the book. Pick a cluster. Use the search bar. You are getting in your own way at this point.

  19. I’ve researched everything now lol I know the first few stuff I’ve asked but I purchased the book today I was using some trash link to the old one My only question rn is the front sqaut or back for performance

  20. But have you actually used the search bar? Type in "front squat vs back squat" and read some of the posts from the many times this has been asked. It is an excellent tool.

  21. I don't know if it is bicep tendonitis. I also don't expect it to do that.

  22. Maybe it's a formatting issue, it seems as if the injury is referenced under your comments about creatine and recovery.

  23. You built up too much lactic acid in your blood. The body decides the fastest way to get rid of it is to push it into the stomach and make you vomit. Lactic acid is created when your body uses ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy but without using oxygen to convert it. It can be relieved when your cardiovascular endurance is better or you slow down your pace to your lactic threshold. The lactic threshold is basically a pace you can sustain for a long period of time without stopping. It is the threshold at which your body can chemically handle all lactate build up. Beta Alanine can help with this as it is a hydrogen ion buffer.

  24. Your body doesn't push it into the stomach, it senses that blood pH is lower and may attempt to compensate by eliminating stomach acid. Also during exercise the body may decrease blood flow to the GI system which may cause feelings of discomfort/nausea.

  25. Not a data scientist, but I'm pretty suspicious of this analysis. They use 4 different measures of finger strength/finger endurance. I imagine the results of these correlate pretty strongly with each other given that they are using bodyweight for the endurance tests rather than a percentage of max hang (And the same is true for max weighted pull up and max number of pullups - they're probably 90% correlated). If their four finger strength metrics are mostly measuring the same thing, I imagine that totally throws off the coefficients for each of them from the model, which might be why the max hang result seems so wacky.

  26. Why not follow fighter as written if you haven't run it yet?

  27. You got a source on that? I always thought it was canon that her mum was bitten whilst late into pregnancy/in labor. No special circumstances other than that?

  28. Where is your source that her mom got bitten while late in pregnancy/in labor?

  29. Yea, and I actually really enjoyed how they did it! Glad I stood corrected.

  30. At around 50 seconds it sounds like she says “I don’t wanna hurt you” while gagging and eating.

  31. In the game it's heavily implied that early stage infected are still in there. (Runners crying, trying to stop themselves etc.)

  32. Did this really happen? People always link only one video as proof and I can't hear it

  33. OP, what other medications did you use besides IV fluids? What led you to the diagnosis of septic shock? Upon diagnosis why did you decide to not divert the flight? For my own benefit I'd love to learn.

  34. I’m curious too! Keeping inventory of emergency drugs that get seldom used and replacing expired drugs would be costly.

  35. Agreed. I'm also curious as to what led OP to diagnose them as septic. Curious about this case.

  36. One thing that does sometimes get overlooked in this discussion is that Lev is portrayed by Ian Alexander, an Asian-American trans/masc actor who grew up in a strict religious environment, and whose assertion of their gender identity was painfully rejected by their family.

  37. I didn't realize the actor that portrayed Lev was also trans. That's very cool that ND searched for an actor who could understand and represent that experience. Thank you for sharing!

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