
  1. Apparently the magazines were labeling Danielle and Will (who plays Eric) “fat” and so this was the network’s way of addressing that. It was revealed in an interview I think given by Danielle.

  2. When I watched the show I always thought the whole thing was a lead up to that punchline and the whole joke was that she wasn’t fat, she was just not as skinny as Rachel and Angela. Kind of crazy to hear that it’s because real people thought Danielle Fischel was actually fat here.

  3. No one ever spells it this way (thank god) but a lunch lady at my elementary school would say “sam-widge” in a real nasal voice. She didn’t say anything else particularly strangely, and she wasn’t being funny. It was nauseating.

  4. Consider whether your quality of life would be improved with the item. If you’re constantly justifying to yourself or others why you don’t need it, maybe you kinda do. You don’t have furniture? Are you constantly telling yourself you like sitting on the floor, embarrassed to have people over, only meeting people at their place, telling yourself there’s so much room for activities but never actually doing activities, noticing people come over once but never again, etc? You need furniture, don’t be cheap here. Or your shoes are 2 years old but they’re still supportive and in good shape (or at least fashionably shabby) and you never hear anyone comment on them, or feel like you need new ones but don’t buy them, or ever think about not liking them until you think about how they’re 2 years old? Perhaps you don’t need new shoes yet, maybe you made a good purchase in the first place, be frugal there.

  5. How about this: you don’t insult me and I won’t insult you. If you can agree to that I’ll answer your question. Everyone will be happier that way.

  6. I’ve gotten a number of answers both personal and general from people better equipped to answer than you. Since you have made it exceedingly clear you aren’t equipped to answer, don’t worry about it.

  7. I have not argued with anyone who gave me an actual answer to the actual question. I wasn’t trying to draw a conclusion on that, and it seems that the actual answers kind of vary anyway.

  8. Every Chad and every Preston I have known personally are wonderful.

  9. The most nutritious vegs that can let me have just a few kinds in veriety. I didn't mean 'best three'

  10. But what is the motivation for only wanting to have a few kinds? Financial? Pickiness?

  11. There’s a serious lack of information about health and nutrition, and about pet care. It’s not surprising those two would overlap.

  12. If I “find out?” That’s not something I expect to be surprised by suddenly at 65 (or whatever absurd age I’ll be expected to retire, probably like 105). If I “find out” abruptly at age “65” that the money that is supposed to be there isn’t, there’s probably something serious enough going on that my retirement is a secondary concern.

  13. As someone who has a high metabolism and has stuck to the same weight constantly, I hate the taste of water but have been forcing myself to drink 3 cups a day, if I went full water you’re telling me I’d lose weight? That sounds worse for my body right off the bat

  14. If you’re drinking a bunch of high calorie beverages, yes, you’d lose weight if you didn’t replace it with an equal number of food calories. If you’re drinking a bunch of black coffee and Diet Coke, you would not lose weight. Water isn’t a magic weight loss drug, but many people consume an absolutely massive amount of calories through beverages.

  15. I may be biased, but it always seems to be an excuse to belittle their partner, who simultaneously doesn’t work and also doesn’t want to cook and clean.

  16. “I leave for work at 8am and get home at 6pm and I just need to decompress.”

  17. It’s because they know if they straight up say “dats wimminz work,” they will get dogpiled. But if they weave a totally believable narrative where their 9-5 job at the business factory is the most physically and mentally demanding task on earth, while their wife inexplicably just sits on a pile of garbage and neglected children, eating bonbons and watching soaps all day, then they can convince people they’re the victim for being asked to run the garbage out to the curb and place their socks in the hamper.

  18. Some of the posts are like that, but others are asking general questions, like the “what convos are you tired of in this sub” and that got deleted too

  19. That kind of thing can still be validation seeking. If they didn’t get the sort of answers they wanted, delete.

  20. Oh shit, I’ve been wondering why I get those “reddit cares abt your mental health” alerts, I was confused asf but I can see how ppl just use that to troll.

  21. This is so bogus. My wife and I (35) own 50% equity on a beautiful home with a view, 2 new cars paid off, both of us have Master’s degrees paid off, two kids in daycare (cost of a mortgage), retirement accounts, 529s for both kids, and vacations.

  22. I’ve seen a huge wave of infotainment lately suggesting that Americans need absolutely lavish amounts of money to break even lately, and I’m not sure what the end game is. It’s just blatantly untrue numbers. Calling people making $200k “upper poor” or whatever. It’s weird.

  23. The end game of this infographic is to make you panic. They look like a referral service for financial planners so they want to freak you out so that you'll buy their service

  24. No. Your take is correct, but this is an unfortunate reversal that’s very common online. People hear common turns of phrase like “let alone” and just repeat it without thinking about whether what they’re saying makes sense.

  25. Wiki says let alone is used chiefly in the negative and rarely in the positive. Is that correct?

  26. This this this, all of this. I spend so much time trying to explain this to people and it's exhausting.

  27. Reading other comments, I think part of the resistance to it is a knee jerk reaction, assuming anyone saying “you should not self diagnose/diagnose others based on TikTok teens doing storytime” is automatically saying “you’re faking for attention.” And to be fair, often when I start talking about self diagnosing not being a great thing, people will roll in to agree….then start talking about people faking for attention. But I don’t think most people who self diagnose are “faking for attention,” I think they’re victims of misinformation who have a number of different motivations for wanting to believe what they’re reading and have internalized the anti-professional bias that is typical of our highly individualistic, anti education society. And one of those motivations (out of many) is “they do actually need some kind of diagnosis.” Some of the self diagnosed people are right. They’re just right for the wrong reasons, or only partially right, or are wrong but only just barely and actually need to be diagnosed with a condition they haven’t even heard of because they haven’t so much as taken a psych 101 class much less actually studied the subject.

  28. They addressed it in one episode. They intentionally act like they don’t live with each other when they’re at work/out because it was causing problems with everyone else. The show also doesn’t follow any characters home that much, and Melissa specifically hasn’t been very in focus for a while.

  29. When a tornado hits you dead on, it’s absolutely devastating. The thing is, tornadoes are very small by the standard of a destructive storm, and it’s pretty unlikely you’ll ever be hit dead on by one. It’s not like a hurricane, where if it’s supposed to hit your general area, it absolutely will affect you. Most people in tornado prone areas will never even see a tornado with their own eyes, and even fewer will have one tear up their house. There’s a risk….but the risk is lower than having a hurricane hit you in Houston or New Orleans or southern Florida. It’s lower than experiencing an earthquake in California. It’s lower than experiencing a devastating blizzard in Buffalo or Minneapolis. But you don’t ask why people live in those places.

  30. You shouldn’t have been looking to go to college as a place where you’d “chill.” That was your first mistake. “Meet a bunch of women, watch football, and chill?” That’s a shitty sports bar, not college.

  31. Do you feel like everyone stuck with their cliques from high school or if it felt like hs 2.0? That's how my college felt. And because I moved from a different area it made it tough, because everyone wanted to stay in their groups that they grew up with.

  32. Not at all. I have heard that from people who went to community colleges in smaller areas though.

  33. It’s certainly not a standard, though I can’t say for sure it never happened anywhere. It really sounds like something that a person who’s never even been to college might assume would happen in med school and would tell to a squeamish 8 year old to make a point, though.

  34. Dewey is probably close to or equal to Malcom academically (we never see his schoolwork, but he was almost placed in the Krelboyne class. And the Busey class where he ended up wasn’t for slow children, it was for emotionally disturbed children. His classmates there weren’t stupid or behind on class work, they had emotional or social issues. Most seemed like they were of average intelligence and were able to learn on level when someone bothered to teach them. There actually isn’t any particular reason to assume Dewey isn’t better than Malcolm academically and is just overshadowed due to Malcom being so egotistical and Francis and Reese being such delinquents), and is far more gifted artistically and creatively. He’s also emotionally intelligent, capable of growth, and simultaneously far kinder and far more manipulative.

  35. Having lived in both, I would not leave Chicagoland for Phoenix unless that job is real lucrative.

  36. Wondering “why” or “how.” People who wonder these things are typically way smarter in the long run, even if understanding the concept takes forever for them.

  37. Something something shopping carts something something pomegranate

  38. What is the pomegranate?! I understand every other random meme reference but that one is new to me.

  39. The idea is that how careful and delicate you are when opening a pomegranate is an indicator of how you are as a romantic partner. If you smash the hell out of it and dig in like a feral creature (like you might end up doing if you've never eaten a whole pomegranate before) then it means you're an impatient person and probably also an abusive partner

  40. Shopping cart theory, I get. Pomegranate theory sounds real dumb, unless there’s something I’m missing.

  41. The ability to drink way too much of it without realizing it’s an energy drink.

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