
  1. Sorry, I just edited the result screen of the 16personalities quiz 😔

  2. Bruh no fucking way I have the same blanket and made almost the exact same post about the top heart

  3. In case anyone is curious, that screenshot was achieved through the power of speaking in the highest possible voice I could reach and nearly making myself vomit

  4. Please don't. Maybe your family doesn't care but we do. I honestly don't know what to say, but I'd be devastated if you did

  5. The people who mocked you, they're the ones that were wrong. You're a wonderful girl, just trying to live your life, and they couldn't stand that . . . But, people do care. Everyone, every single person, has people out there that they'll be very close to, and who will care deeply for them. You just haven't found them yet. But one day, you will! That's guaranteed.

  6. No, all I saw was mockery, agreement or silence. i am clearly not welcome in the trans community and I am done trying to find a place

  7. Of course, you're welcome in the trans community! Why wouldn't you be?! Even if you might not feel like it, you're definitely accepted here!

  8. For more detail, he was probably bought in a Walmart in Québec Canada, around the mid 2000s (2006 ish I believe)

  9. Understandably freaking the fuck out is a very wide spread psychological phenomenon when coming out

  10. I played Celeste as a cis guy, saw some people choosing the name Madeline and thought it would be funny if a trans girl was called Celeste.

  11. It's hard to know, since if you're actually ok with being a guy, it could be curiosity, but I have known many trans women, me included, who used to think they were ok with being a guy because they didn't know what being a girl was like. For now, I would recommend exploring your feminine side and testing things out, you can figure out the labels later !

  12. Wait now that I think of it, if you're the cat wouldn't that make you a catgirl?? Actual mrrp mrrp nya~ rushchfshfsh moment

  13. I feel this. It was the second effect of HRT I noticed

  14. Currently I am emotionally fragile, always cold & overly sensitive to smells

  15. Dammit Sasha you changed your pfp thus ruining my 4 days old joke 😔😔😔😔😔

  16. Nah, They're only present to challenge the redditrequest and remove the occasional critic post.

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