
  1. 5 in Key West sounds like overkill. I'd add a couple days to Orlando and do Kennedy Space Center, visit some of the local springs.

  2. Magnetic me for jammies (simply magnetic me is cheaper and they do bundles plus coupons, plus the cloudstretch is so nice and stretchy that they don't grow out of them as fast). I like the magnets, but I love that you can machine wash and dry them unlike a lot of bamboo jammies. We have no time to air dry stuff.

  3. I used to tell them playfully "you can't tell me what to do."

  4. My husband and I tried it one time and were surprised by how sweet it tasted.

  5. I had my first sweep on a Monday afternoon and went into labor early Wednesday morning, 5 days before my due date.

  6. Same! Did you also end up with giant boobs and an oversupply? I didnt pump or use any suction until 8 weeks pp my boobs just went crazy

  7. A slight oversupply, nothing crazy, but LO's night feeds are kind of random, so if she goes several hours without a feed there is some engorgement and leaking.

  8. Tbh it depends on whether or not I like the person. My mother or my bestie calling my child their baby? Nbd. I’ll even hand him over to my mom and tell her to come get her baby. Anyone else though? Hate it. ESPECIALLY if they’ve done no work to help me take care of the baby or me postpartum.

  9. Very true. My FIL is going through a lot and she is the highlight of his day. He can call her "my baby" as much as he wants. He also calls her "my grandbaby"

  10. I'm having the same issue. I also had a past due notification sent to my email. They are the worst

  11. The nonstop concern that she’s cold. She’s obsessed with her feet right now (5 months) and wants those piggies in her mouth at all times. MIL gets visibly upset every time she sees her without socks on, passive aggressive comments like “oh my, your mommy forgot your socks!” No matter how she’s dressed, MIL suggests we put her in a jacket too. It’s 70 in the house. She’s in a long sleeved body suit and pants. She’s fine.

  12. My MIL and brother in law were both very preoccupied with her being cold at first.

  13. I treat myself to a podcast or audiobook. Sometimes I'll even enjoy a beer.

  14. Way too young for night weaning. As a medical professional, if my pediatrician suggested such a thing, I would be making an appointment for a different pediatrician that day. Seriously wtf.

  15. The comments are giving too scared to go into ethnic mom and pop type restaurants. There are extensive choices in the Tampa area. Especially Central & South American, Caribbean, Indian/Pakistani, Asian and let’s not forget middle eastern options.

  16. We went to several Indian restaurants near USF and eventually gave up on trying to find a good one. You would think with such a large Indian population (and a Patel Brothers store) that the restaurants would be better. Now we just live outside of Orlando and have found much better ones.

  17. What a rude ass bench. Screw her. Fwiw I'm jealous.  My chaos goblin will not bf in public. Everything else is infinitely more interesting and then she realizes she is hungry but then everything else is more interesting again. There's boobs everywhere and milk spraying everywhere including in her face when she looks away. Then she get mad because she got milk in her ear which is her fault but she doesn't understand that. It's a whole thing for less than a sip of milk. 

  18. I actually realized the other day how well a sun hat is for this. My daughter is becoming increasingly distracted while feeding, but the other day I fed her in public while she was wearing a sun hat. It kept all the interesting things out of view so she didn't unlatch.

  19. I just hold on to one of her chubby little thighs and wash her under the running water. I get my husband to hand her to me and take her back and dry her, but I do know friends who do this alone too. It's pretty quick and easy!

  20. Same, it's a two person activity. Same goes for grabbing the thigh.

  21. I work in trauma surgery and am surprised by the occasional thank you note we get. I would have expected the surgeons to get more thank you notes than I see them getting. They work so hard to literally save lives every day, but they are much more likely to deal with unfounded complaints.

  22. The toiletries is a big part of the issue for my family. We go through diapers/wipes at an astounding rate, and we get those along with our grocery runs, so it all starts to blend together from a cost perspective.

  23. Buying larger packs of diapers and wipes are much more economical.

  24. I feel like I'm part of a special club when I talk to other parents (co-workers, friends) about our children. Like we're all in this together.

  25. I've lived in several homes in Florida with carpet and have never even heard of someone having to do this.

  26. I'm not sure there's a better term but ethnic grocers tend to have great deals. I can get five times the same garlic from C Mart at my local grocery store for the same price. Sauces and lots of things are on par or cheaper. Same with the Russian Grocer near me. Surprisingly cheap, especially for the prices. The Indian grocers have great prices on spices. I got like a pound of peppercorns for the price of a bottle at my big chain grocer

  27. So true. We get every spice we can from Indian grocery stores. Also lentils. We get rice, some sauces like soy sauce and sesame oil, and fresh fruit from Asian grocery stores. They all tend to have a good selection of less expensive produce.

  28. A few months ago with postpartum anxiety: quite fragile

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