
  1. This is such a ridiculous non-issue dude.. I'd much rather them focusing on some bugs that have been in the game for a long time and are actually, you know, ISSUES instead of them focusing on something that the average player won't even notice.

  2. Nice! Quite curious about that new artillery piece.

  3. Well calling it an artillery piece is kinda a stretch. In case you don't know, it only has 2 ammo, so it's basically just for sniping the enemy lord or monsters when they get close and then it becomes basically just a normal slayer unit.

  4. Sick so can you make a check board doomstack..?

  5. The tank is.. Well a tank. And the Marienburg Landship is basically a chariot. It has a massive charge bonus and disgustingly low melee defence, textbook chariot stats.

  6. Those are.... 2 Start positions I very much disagree with.

  7. "Epi is WAYYYYY too close to tamurkhan. How do u differentiate those campaigns?"

  8. As a Throt player, the one faction I could safely ignore is now one more threat that hates my guts...Good. I love it when you get to start in a political shithole. What is Warhammer if not being surrounded by hate.

  9. You're playing Skaven dude, you should be glad to have more food at your doorstep. It's basically just a free home delivery of food.

  10. Experience on artillery is really huge as it improves accuracy

  11. Improved accuracy is not a straight buff for artillery though. It makes it easier for the AI to dodge, and even when they don't it means that the damage is more focused on one side of a unit which means less overall damage sometimes.

  12. It's not a negative when your target is a lord or some single entity monster, but it is straight up a negative when your target is infantry, especially some with lots of individual wmodels in it, like Skavenslaves for example.

  13. To be honest, I’m not sure it’s lore accurate considering how petty and calculating elector counts can be. That being said, it was a necessary change for the better. I don’t remember which content creator I watched said it, but basically: gameplay>lore in almost every case. And this is one of those case.

  14. Exactly, something being lore friendly doesn't mean shit if it's not fun gameplaywise. And luckily CA kinda gets that.

  15. Snipe on mortars sounds very fun.

  16. It's momsters, the same as we have in WH3. What's your point exactly? The game definitely IS like Napoleonic wars with monsters from WH3, nothing that can't be done.

  17. 2 of the best? Both ruin and plague are good imo, maybe I'm wrong. Vermintide and plague are amazing, the dreaded 13th is a decent backup if a bit too costly, and warp lightning could literally be the only spell in Ruin and it would be a top tier lore.

  18. Ruin is okay-ish whereas Plague is easily one of the strongest lores of magic in the entire game, which is why it's almost always best to go for Plague. Warp lighting is great like you say, but you can get access to it with Warlock engineers so you don't need to get a Ruin sorcerer for it.

  19. But plague priests are in that same tab, and that's a useful lore.

  20. Not just useful, it's absolutely awesome and basically essential for any weapons teams army. Plague is a really strong, high damage spell (one of the best spells in the entire game for seiges), being able to summon clanrats via the Vermintide spell is incredibly useful and being able to summon Stormvermin twice is also great if you have lots of WoM. All around a great lore of magic and a great hero in general, especially when you get them with the Cunning trait.

  21. Jesus fucking christ, people are really gonna complain about absolutely everything around here, no matter what a non-issue they're talking about huh? Here's a suggestion you dumbass, if you don't like the monster units, then how about you don't fucking use them yourself? And if other players use them, it's none of your fucking business, it's a singleplayer game you absolute smooth brain moron.

  22. As a new player you definitely should NOT play Skaven. It's true that they are super fun (provided you have at least the Prophet and the Warlock DLC), but they are the opposite of beginner friendly. To play Skaven well you have to act like a Skaven yourself, meaning you have to be the biggest piece of shit imaginable and bullshit your way through the campaign. Or at least that's how you can have the most fun with them. And in order to do that, you need to know at least a little bit how to play the game.

  23. If you only have 3 provinces by turn 40, then I'm not surprised. You can't be that passive, just be aggressive instead of sitting on your ass for multiple turns doing nothing. Just be aggressive and build the income buildings everywhere, that's literally the only thing you have to do.

  24. What are you doing wrong? Well, you're playing WH3 and you expect things to work as they should, that's the problem. That's just not how we roll around here, everything is broken.

  25. People keep saying they want toddy but he needs to come with his themed units in the final empire DlC with Al Ulric leading the pack. My personal pairing choice would be vs Norsca

  26. I mean there are rumors that a Norsca rework should happen at some point. Which makes perfect sense as they definitely need it.

  27. I mean Clan Pestilens starts at war with a Nurgle faction.. It could very well get changed for Epidimeus.

  28. Because the game is not difficult enough?

  29. I just started also! The Black Forest was a big difficulty spike at first but it was a great feeling of accomplishment to tame it. Now I’m setting sail to make a beachhead on the island with my next boss!

  30. On his Toad Dragon he's large enough that he will probably melt to ranged units. Maybe melt is a little too strong of a word, but he's definitely gonna be vulnerable to ranged, no question about that. I imagine that any armor piercing missiles will kill him quite fast.

  31. The blog showcasing the new units did mention that Toad Dragons have high missile resistance so I'd imagine the same applies to his mount, so he will be able to tank them at least a bit. Hard to say for sure until we know how much resistance it is.

  32. Oh yeah, you're right.. Still, a target this large will probably suffer to ranged no matter the missile resistance I think. I guess we'll see.

  33. None.. 3k is much better if you're looking for a historical (kinda) title. Both Pharaoh and Troy have incredibly boring battles where tactics basically don't matter at all and the stronger unit always wins no matter what you do. It's also a very small scale with very little replayability. I got Troy for free and I still feel that I've been scammed. If you have to get one of the two, then Troy is better, but I strongly advise against both of them, there's much better TW games out there.

  34. After seeing this I'm hopeful that they'll also get a meaningful rework. Especially the damned imperial authority needs tweaking.

  35. Overall, really pleased with the direction they took the Nurgle rework. It is still keeping what makes Nurgle unique while also making it more accessible. I LOVE Nurgle but hated his economy. I am hopeful these changes will increase the pleasure (I'm not a purple demon I swear) of playing a Nurgle campaign.

  36. Yeah I'm very happy with it too, mainly with the Plagues rework. It's no longer Grom's Couldron 2.0.,but an actual unique mechanic.

  37. Literally the ONLY thing that "TW formula" means is turn based campaign and real-time battles. Nothing more, nothing less.

  38. It's a Steam Tank with a volley gun in basically.

  39. So it's a new unit? It kinda sounds like a RoR Steam tank, but it could be a new unit..

  40. You just need to run around the swamp at night to find wraiths, there's no other guaranteed way to get chains. It's just annoying that you can't craft them. Make them expensive to craft for all I care, just give us some way to get them reliably.

  41. I'm reminded of just how badly "The Future of Three Kingdoms" has damaged this community, and how paranoid it's made everyone.

  42. It's one thing being paranoid, but what people are doing here is simply being fucking retarded. Legend and basically everybody who told the leaks went out of his way to emphasise that it's JUST LEAKS, nothing more and to not take it seriously. But then you get dumbasses running to Reddit to start doom posting and spreading everything he said is just leaks as a fucking gospel. Truly degenerate behavior here.

  43. You could read some of the other 10 threads that ask the same thing you know? But to answer the question:

  44. 3. The battles are kinda boring. Which is a shame because the campaign map mechanics are mostly great.

  45. As someone that hasn’t played it or watched any content, you able to give me a few bullet points about the campaign mechanics?

  46. I don't know if I can explain it very well, some of them are kinda complex. But they make you feel like you're actually managing your empire which is always great. Surely there has to be like a 5 min video somewhere on YT that can explain it way better than I ever could.

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