
  1. For those who dont know, choose Leo if u dont have one, if u have a Leo and no Tiana choose Tiana, otherwhise something like Bolverk or something you just like

  2. I want to decrease my GAH run time. Should I get Tesharr? Thanks.

  3. Same, but I didn't forgot, was just hoping for a Dark Ciri

  4. Wait, I have Dark Ciri? Is she good? I know I get some use out of her in Guild Wars, but is she actually worth trying to summon?

  5. Damn, you really gone do our favorite horse riding tank girl like that?

  6. Damn, even in silver, we don't let Blitz do that more than once... And he's gotta fight for that first hook.

  7. He can die now, a heretic, or be tortured later as a captive to some IoM enemy... I know what odds I like.

  8. Using megan rn, suuuuper reliable. Verd(L), Eirgar, Fran Loren, Megan. Slow, but 2 tries at buff block and 2 tries at strip, and plenty of healing + turns.

  9. I popped that first pre-rework Talon E onto Vel'Koz when he released and I watched the sparks fly. Not from Vel'Koz's abilities of course because that mofo was silenced. I miss you buddy. R.I.P. my man Talon. 2011-2017. Fly high with the angels bro. And E em if they get too loud. We lost a demon.

  10. AyyY, Ashe+Cait+MF+Renekton main over here! This is a solid win no matter what I choose!

  11. People are also forgetting that mana pots existed and were bought frequently by a lot of champs

  12. Yes, but mana pots were one time use for 50 gold. It helped, but you weren't building towards an item. Trade-off.

  13. But my demons are all level 9999. I got money on Valvatorez! Disgaea!

  14. St. Berdoodle (Poodle, not golden doodle, just stop) owner here, I've never met a big dog that wasn't awesome.

  15. Hey, thank you for the questions. This will help me with clarifying my ideas, so it is greatly appreciated.

  16. If you are open for some suggestion, I worked in a field where writing protocols for publications and SOPs were essential part of the work. Since you started writing the rules as your game develops, I would like to suggest writing every single details on how to setup and how to play the game. In such way, you will be able to remove unnecessary information from the rules when you are trimming the rules later. The opposite way around is harder to do once the rules become bigger and more complicated. And, by then, you will be too familiar with your own system that everything will be too natural and obvious for you when it is not the case for the first players.

  17. Thank you for the advice. That makes sense to me. Even as I answered your questions, I thinking "Duh Stephen, how was he supposed to know this without me telling him?" I appreciate it. Would you be open to me messaging you a revised copy of the rules at a later date?

  18. Veigar ult at max rank does 350 damage and 75% ap to a full health target, you're not killing someone from full with it.

  19. He also has infinite AP scaling and most people that Veigar ults onto are ADC'Ps and mages. They either die or are forced to back. And yes, I have seen Veigar TKO champs with just his ult; they were 40+ minute games, but I've seen it happen.

  20. The best way to show alpha male energy as a heterosexual guy is to sexually dominate another dude. It's science.

  21. First things first, VERY few of the active modding scene take commissions, so don't be surprised if you don't get anyone taking it up.

  22. It most definitely has. Thank you. Gonna try and scale back the desires and up the pay and see if I get a bite. If not, I'll just try to learn it myself. Do you know any good resources for someone with no experience at all?

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