
  1. We need a series in his prime during the empire strikes back. This is what we wanted. Not “I’m a changed man”Boba

  2. I used to feel the way you did for a few years. I knew I had Afib but no one believed me so that drove a ton of fear.

  3. Idk why everyone is so pressed by this. Being independent is not really taught / normalized anymore (which it should).

  4. I did. But I actually had Afib first and doctors didn’t believe me then PVCs ruled my life. I have an ablation in 2 weeks for Afib

  5. This is what I worry about. I have Afib and PVCs (or PACs, not sure which). I find the PVCs to be much more distracting and they're much more common than my Afib episodes.

  6. If it makes you feel any better, I saw a video somewhere saying if you have Afib and PVCs or something, they are originiating from the same sinus node that is causing both. It’s possible that with us they could get 2 birds w one stone.

  7. Asking any question regarding nicotine, alcohol or any other paraphernalia is a death wish in this sub so I’m gonna wish you good luck from other users.

  8. Other than the two bad Leia chase scenes and the composition of a few shots (I couldn't tell what if Vader was letting Obi-Wan get away the first time to prolong things, or if the fire was supposed to come across as big enough to cover their escape), I thought Kenobi was great. The Vader fights and the emotional moments between Obi-Wan and kiddo Leia were awesome and I loved pretty much everything about Tala Durith and NED-B.

  9. Idk if Disney were smart they would have made a series about his reign during the empire strikes back and the rest of the original trilogy. People were so interested to see him in his prime bounty hunting the galaxy.

  10. You could solder a battery and a recharge port and possibly get a custom plate for the speaker.

  11. I had a 12 pro max for 3 years. I was kind of against the Dynamic Island but I actually prefer screen wise.

  12. Busapr. Not an ssri but similar in that it’s a non additive daily anxiety med. the buspar absolutely helped lower my burden. I’m confident for me at least an ssri would work similarly.

  13. Focusing on something else. I feel like doing something help and the adrenaline will stop hitting my leaky cells. Easier said than done.

  14. OMG I USED TO GET THEM CONSTANTLY BEGORE THE METOPROLOL. I feel better now but still constant pvcs

  15. I'd bet your dryer exhaust vent is clogged up with lint, causing the internal temperatures of the dryer to exceede the safety limits built into it.

  16. All the more reason to make hard lifestyle changes and not endure a lifetime of meds 💪🏻

  17. My pvcs turned into Afib unfortunately but it’s the same concept as pvcs. Ablation in May. I’m hoping I get relief from both. But you’re fine. I know people that have PVCs and never get Afib.

  18. An early beat (PAC) always shows a hump , it’s like a merged T and P, that’s what my cardiologist said.

  19. I was getting that morphology on my Apple Watch but when I got a 12 lead ekg it turned out to be a PVC. So who knows. Apple Watch can be a tough one sometimes.

  20. A lot of good advice already posted. Since you are young and ablation is in May consider Pulse Field Ablation. It is rolling out in the US now. Someone just posted where soon it will take over most all of the Ablation procedures. You don't want old technology when the new technology is right around the corner . Ask your doc about it now and see what he/she says. When you get the answer post here as there are a lot of smart people here. I'm not one of them. LOL

  21. I mean it sounds good and all but the cryo ablation is 70% while pulse field is 55-66%. What would be the benefit if the success rate is lower?

  22. Thing is, it's a waste of time if you are going to continue drink at that level. Seriously--have you heard of Holiday Heart? I assume she has vast experience (if not get an EP that does) and go ahead. Just restrict your drinking--drink within reason--not till you puke.

  23. Yea my plan is to probably drink once a blue moon 6 months after ablation. Weirdly enough my last episode I was caused by allergy meds and chewing ice on a Thursday night.

  24. I switched to RP servers on PC. So much better and payouts actually payout. It’s not 100 dollars for a low tier shirt.

  25. If I’m having them and I workout, they go away. If I’m not having them and I workout, they typically activate. Mine are completely sporadic so I have no clue. It really differs fron person to person

  26. Interesting. How is your Afib? Is it often or very rare ? Do the episodes last long or short? And why did you assume you were gonna get Afib? Sorry for all the questions

  27. My Afib rn is super paroxysmal and always vagally induced. They usually last 1-2 days. I knew I had it when I was 20 but didn’t know what it was. Then I got pvcs, then my watch told me I had Afib.

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