
  1. No let's just keep ignoring the fact that a significant and growing number of people in this country hold views that are directly contradictory to our own national's going to go so well if we just ignore it

  2. Lia Thomas regularly placed in either the top 5 or top 10 in all her competitions pre-hrt. It was only after starting hrt that she started ranking low, which is exactly what you'd expect as HRT takes away nearly all your muscle mass

  3. This is the conclusion I came to after looking into it, not a random talking point. I thought the "she sucked so went to women's sports to win" thing was bullshit and, shocker, it was. The point is that she only ever placed low after hrt, the number of players doesn't really matter. It shows that she was a competent athlete both before and after

  4. Yes but the point is as a man she was decent but wasn't world/national class. As a woman she was. That is the problem

  5. The thing is that Cheng had to chose between letting people eating themselves with billions dying amd just press a button and let humankind chose their end with dignity like an advanced species deserved. For all the compassion and empathy she has parroted in her behaviour, she has never thought for a second, that hundreds off millions of children will starve and litteraly eaten in the worst outcome possible for the human race.

  6. Well if she'd not done it our first contact would have been with a race like the Singer race so had she not done what she did we'd have died and had no prep time to escape the solar system 🤷🏻‍♂️

  7. I think we have read different books. When she had failed to press the button she basically ended human race. If not for the 4d pocket deus ex machina, all of it would end right there. That was her number 1 play, a play that could be rationalized well ahead the decision itself.

  8. I don't think he "hates women" I think he is a 60 year old Chinese man and consequently has different views on masculinity and femininity than western views.

  9. Just a poorly constructed game 🤷‍♂️ the behind the scenes stuff that's come out about no real centralised plan or cohesion absolutely makes sense to me

  10. I've literally refueled in Greece multiple times and never seen this?

  11. So where should trans women go when they’re raped, or the victims of domestic violence?

  12. To a centre that lets in trans women and cis women? I'm saying there should be both services and that trans women don't have a right to totally erase all cis women only services?

  13. I can't tell from this post if you're okay with there being trans-welcoming rape crisis centers or not. In the first sentence you say you are, but then in the last one you're complaining about someone actually running one.

  14. I'm saying mixed ones are fine so long as we don't take it too far and say it's wrong for there to be ones that trans women can't go to.

  15. Jfc, I just watched it, and it's so plainly obvious he just wants in on the grift regardless. That shit makes me sick.

  16. I think it's absolutely incredible and wild that the producers made the power armor in the show physically.

  17. The facts don’t care about their feelings or their cult, and they disapprove of that

  18. Did you even bother to actually look at the study? It's literally geared to get these results?

  19. Conservatives don't seem to like it when people actually study things, funny how that works.

  20. When it comes to using puberty blockers on children, what aspect(s) of this medical intervention do you feel is untested? And what do you define "untested" as?

  21. Not having long term follow up data where you don't just let people stop taking hormones and fall off the earth with no tracking of them or use of them in your statistics. That's a pretty easy one

  22. Okay, why do you think that we don't have data for this? You do realise that there are more clinics outside of the UK and that you can't use the patient data from the GICs in the UK because at no point was consent obtained from any of the patients.

  23. Because a professional who knows more than either of us looked at the evidence worldwide and deemed it insufficient?

  24. Well it's because while he's very strong in the Boys universe he isn't really at a level of significance in most superhero universes.

  25. Since when have facts ever stopped Conservatives?

  26. "Based on these limited findings, we recommend that transgender women athletes be evaluated as their own demographic group….This research shows the potential complexity of transgender athlete physiology and its effects on the laboratory measures of physical performance.”

  27. "Based on these limited findings, we recommend that transgender women athletes be evaluated as their own demographic group….This research shows the potential complexity of transgender athlete physiology and its effects on the laboratory measures of physical performance.”

  28. I'm just glad the appetite for divisive crap in that form isn't as big here as in the US

  29. Huge straw man since most people aren't saying "MCU is back" to the not shit content l

  30. The exact misinformation talking points she addresses here are the ones being peddled on Reddi

  31. Good. This has just been gay conversion therapy by another name.

  32. Answer: in Europe many countries are starting to back away from puberty blockers and childhood transition as it's highly likely that most trans children are either queer, possessing or a mental disorder (besides dysphoria), or have been abused.

  33. You won't get an unbiased answer on Reddit. Because if the answer to the question of "is it safe to block puberty for children" turns out to be no when the clinical data is in, then a whole swath of redditors would be ideologically challenged in a way they couldn't accept.

  34. And most people will not forgive Rowling's comments on the trans community.

  35. Well her views on child transition are being absolutely vindicated but you won't hear anything about that on Reddit

  36. I mean that was in response to the recent studies in multiple European countries confirming that we have been using puberty blockers with little to no actual clinical data, and the data we do have said this

  37. There can't be many bullshit "milestones" left for these people to trot out. A woman has been running star wars for a decade or so now

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