
  1. Three shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three.

  2. Ah Wizard and Glass. I completely understand that a lot of people feel like it's a hard stop, and it's a fair criticism. It is a dense narrative that is a kind of prequel inside of an already dense story. Trust me though, it is absolutely worth it. I won't spoil anything, but by the time the quest for the Tower resumes, you'll have a much better appreciation of Roland as a character. There's a lot of build up, but an excellent pay off at end.

  3. If the only reason that you feed and shelter your child is due to a legal requirement, then you absolutely should not have had children.

  4. I don’t know what the top right couch even is either

  5. I'll stand for my homie Fallout 4, me and all 3 of the other fans.

  6. Idk, his setup got me feeling like a paranoid android

  7. "If you so much as hurt a hair on Stanley's head, we will burn Utica to the ground."

  8. Let's not forget the nightmare clown from Brave Little Toaster that just says "run"

  9. Yep, reddit is the only social media I bother with. If I want to look at anything on FB I can use my wife's account.

  10. The image is edited. The original would be an optical illusion of an impossible way to arrange them

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