
  1. It’s the same when ı see someone typıng lıke thıs on the ınternet

  2. People from my country generally have a hard time picking a side as they have to balance their islamophobia and antisemitism. I guess it depends on where you ask but most that care generally tend to sympathize with the Palestinian cause

  3. I am 2 mutual people away from knowing King Michael, he would not be pleased with this

  4. No, because then Slovenia would have a stronger claim to the Bay of Kotor and i think we should have it.

  5. Of course, it’s just that the Hungol is unable to distinguish between the 2

  6. Out of his 2 words 1 is Ataturk you should go to Trabzon and see how turkish nationalists they are d:

  7. Trabzon residents are fake turk patriots who vote 99.999% for Erdoğanoupolis (pontic greek). İnşallah İmamoğlu will save them from grik oppression 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  8. I see what you mean but for me it doesn't make sense to have letters with diacritics to make an alphabet suitable for your language too like č, ć, đ, š, ž etc

  9. Yes but these are standalone letters that make consistent sounds, unlike greek where they have inconsistent, illogical (in my opinion) combinations of unrelated letters. The lack of Cyrillic is a historical thing

  10. They're not inconsistent. Ει and οι for example always make the same sound

  11. Yes, they are consistent, but not consistent with my logic as a non-native non-greek speaker. But yes i am aware greek’s phonetics has changed (β being b, sparta -> sparti etc.)

  12. Where tf did they get this data from? Most intelligently made w*stoid map

  13. No. War is hell, i don’t want to fuck myself up or others inadvertently

  14. Я покакал себе в Екатеринбурге 23. 5. 2015.

  15. What does that mean? Google translate says “I proceed to myself”

  16. Cupcakes. Cakes are too big and full of too much shit, cupcakes are simple and tend to not be too full of ingredients

  17. No, it’s stupid. It’s unethical, expensive, and letting someone rot in prison to death is much more torturous and a better punishment than immediately putting someone out of their misery

  18. America is an empire, and all empires fall eventually. America is in a pretty lucrative position right now, so i’d give them ~100 years before complete non-existence

  19. I’m a man with long hair whose wardrobe mostly consists of black clothing. I’ve tried so, so hard to get into it, but it just doesn’t do it for me. It’s sad, honestly, i can’t evolve into my final form, it’s like a caterpillar that can’t metamorpihize into a butterfly. All that does it for me (in metal) is purely instrumental stuff and that’s hard to come by


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