
  1. I actually have the perfect rec. It's like the clean girl, mature version of sugar cat. It's called club de nuit woman by armaf. It wasn't as sweet as the warm candy smell I was going for, but it sounds like exactly what you're wanting. The fruity, floral, clean musk notes shine in this one.

  2. Okay fine I'll get my dog that agility set

  3. on a positive note, our insomnia is cured by turning off the screens and trying to read a old timey book. i usually get about 3 pages before zzzzzzz……

  4. Makes me think of the bookmark set labeled "first yawn here" and "one eye closed here" for sleepytime readers

  5. Lmao...sorry don't mean to laugh but.... This is shit. This is where someone has taken a dump inside the mine and this is what it turns into after a bit. Source... 17 years deep down in the WV coal mines.

  6. Glad my "don't touch that" instincts were on point here

  7. It can also help to teach them what a bite means (offer a toy and say "bite! Good bite!") at the exact second the teeth make contact. That way "no bite" has context. There is no confusion. Same with teaching them not to bark.

  8. Yelp a high pitched "eep!" as an attention getter and immediately redirect to a toy. If that doesn't work you can go the opposite route and bark the way a parent dog corrects their pups' behavior, and again redirect to a toy. Paired with removing yourself, your dog should start to take the hint.

  9. Dean Koontz wrote a book called "from the corner of his eye" that has multiple storylines that intertwine- one is a wife killer, and the book ends with a paranormal twist

  10. Be kind to yourself, and work your way up to swimming. It's easier on the joints than traditional exercise, and works your muscles harder since water has more resistance than air. You got this.

  11. Pupper is still young, all will be well! I'd start by watching It's Me or the Dog, and understanding that no change will happen overnight. Best wishes to you. Also, there are no words of comfort in regards to the circumstances that brought the dog to your home. May time heal you and bring you peace.

  12. My old chihuahua had the same reaction. The gave me the hardest side eye I've ever seen until I stopped looking directly at her. My cat at the time just let me wallow in his fur and judged me silently.

  13. I saw a howl's moving castle type house cresting the top of a hill next to a body of water.

  14. She looks handcuffed (literally linked) to the girl in the black and white outfit next to her. Very very creepy

  15. Well he won't notice if they just go missing and happen to end up in better homes 🤷‍♀️

  16. Very highly recommend watching as much It's Me or the Dog as you can mentally handle. It prepared me better for having a dog than any other reference.

  17. This happened to me and this fucker really said "so THATS why they call it a snatch!"

  18. There was a small .exe for the game Virus. When run it displayed the users hard drive contents, them deleted them. Them it did the same for the operation system. There was a message along the lines of 'not enough memory to run' and the pc appeared to shut down.

  19. Thats like this x-box game I played before called fez. At one point the game makes you think your console has red-ringed and died.

  20. A penis that is small when flaccid, is not always tiny when erect. A penis that is large when flaccid, isn't always much bigger when erect.

  21. All I hear is the one line in lil dicky's freaky Friday song. "Why's his dick stayin perched up on his balls like that?"

  22. Just got punked out your lunch by a bird lmao

  23. Contort means to twist or bend out of a normal shape. A bean bag doesn’t have a normal shape, it’s amorphous, therefore it cannot contort. Conform is also incorrect. Contour is the appropriate word.

  24. Totally agree about contort. But to contour is to deepen the shadows of things. To conform is to change in accordance to a greater force (in this case the weight of the dog.) So conform is right in my opinion.

  25. Call it a pirate in my pants cause it's driving me nuts.

  26. I realized that you realized that I realized that we are making a great comment chain and those following along at home should not add to it

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