
  1. 3-0 if you swap ad players and it wouldn't be close

  2. Fnatic was alright, GEN is arguably the best or second best team in the world right now where FNC is shaky 2nd seed from much weaker region, that series went as expected. It would be a major upset if they even won one game.

  3. Obviously you'll catch a delete on a pro-show sub and nobody cares about it here either, go re-read the books and stop posting worthless stuff.

  4. That 4man one in mid had me sweating before I remembered it's a support Neeko

  5. We were trying to get our friend to start Season of the Witch yesterday, having some issues. For me just running the Way of the Witch mission started the season quest, but when they ran the mission nothing happened. No quests at the quest kiosk either. Any idea how to get the season questline going?

  6. Did a ten man Sonya ARAM fest last night and it was hilariously stupid fun. Not sure why everyone complains about this mode… like just play through it or play a diff mode?

  7. The real winner of this series is LCK. Good luck to G2 facing one of these teams LOL.

  8. G2 facing PSG in winners bracket, gonna be wild series

  9. Wondering why BLG overforced that Baron so damn hard, they were comfortably ahead at that point and felt like splitpush they win easily and teamfights were equal at worst.

  10. Only if you actually played during then though unfortunately

  11. You still get the exotics at least, because they're on the first level so pretty useful for people like me who only started recently.

  12. After watching GEN roll the entirety of LCK I don't have high hopes but maybe FNC could pop off randomly or somesuch. 1 win would be sweet.

  13. If summons kind of suck, you said earlier you can make your companions undead?

  14. Summons are not great but as Lich you can turn enemies to your side after they die with

  15. Hot take: Wenduag is the Laezel of WotR.

  16. Wendog romance route is really well done, the only issue is that if you roleplay your characters properly, then most people should never take her with them in the first place because your character either has to be evil to the bone or totally brain damaged moron to choose her over Lann "Hang-All-Tieflings" the Man at the end of the maze.

  17. League pros (and players) are the biggests bunch of pussies in any esport, BY FAR

  18. I like players trashtalking but it's bit more entertaining when you actually do something gameplay-wise to go with it as well, otherwise it's just kinda sad.

  19. Lmao of course the biggest bootlicker post of the week is from a Destiny player.

  20. You gotta admire the confidence to trashtalk while having zero talent to back it up. Zero shame. Losing is funny to these players at this point lmao.

  21. It's big brain strategy from him, the whole trash talk brand makes people forget he is a useless mid. Genius really.

  22. A lot of league of legends...cut it in half and give us two bo5s per day

  23. Yeah match per day is not enough, especially with series like this one. Two BO5 per day would be better, no reason to drag it out like this.

  24. TES is probably the worst eastern team here btw

  25. Just couple cool guys hanging out, nothing sexual

  26. Oh my god the minion just ran him down like a dog

  27. Honestly a decent Rumble game from Azhi, even with the 0-5 scoreline. Massu just couldn't do anything in teamfights.

  28. I find his Rumble really weird, he gets caught super often, misses a lot of harpoons and generally is just behind every game but all of his Equalisers have been on point.

  29. now wait for PSG to draft the same draft they did game 2 where they just pick kalista after winning hard with senna

  30. I am so ready for two games of lethality Kalista you have no idea

  31. This reminds me of a comment saying that if Gragas was a hot sorceress he would be one of the most popular champions in the game.

  32. Hot hag gets drunk and bodyslams you, it just works.

  33. Man I can't wait for the main event to start, these games are not it

  34. Boring one-sided games unfortunately, so far only TOP vs Fnatic was good to watch. Hopefully once we're at the main tournament it will get better

  35. Play-ins are always kind of a snore unless you luck into EU x NA matchup. Either favourites like LCK/LPL lower seed stomping bad teams or two bad teams fighting each other, kinda zzz and actual MSI will be better.

  36. NBA continuing to live in its own world man.

  37. Mainline sports games and CoD, basically free money every year regardless of their reception.

  38. Why does iron banner matchmaking need to be this bad? Bad ping players plus sweat lobbies is not fun. We really need to stop hand holding the new players. They need to understand crucible is not a good idea right out the gate and other players shouldn't be punished for it

  39. I'm not really bothered by matchmaking, some games I get stomped by some zoomergodx on the enemy team, then few games later same happens in reverse, it is what it is - but some ping/connection stuff I have seen has been absolutely wild. Specific people on the enemy team just omae wa mou shindeiru teleporting ten times across my screen, pretty funny. Also I guess because of late season or the time of day when I play, but gamemode seems extremely dead, very often I recognise majority of people for multiple games in a row.

  40. He is fine, just because he ran it down one game doesn't mean it isn't one of his better picks

  41. This is genuinely worse than the MAD loss and I'm certified MAD hater. Getting blown out like this and it's not even double herald anymore.

  42. I mean the 1647 incident against MAD was also a hyperscaling Jinx + tanks comp so...

  43. Jinx can chain excited from kills/towers regardless of gametime at least

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