
  1. Je sais pas, mais si Confuse suce, ça devient philosophique

  2. I...don't know, to be honest. I'm usually not a natural at anything but i learn fast and show great results in a short amount of time.

  3. Have a lack of traumatic experiences in your life? Then watch made in abyss. It has some of the best atmosphere and world building that I’ve ever seen in an anime. But don’t let its looks deceive you, the show will just get incredibly fucked up outta nowhere and it can honestly be hard to watch at times. It’s totally worth watching if you can handle it though.

  4. Pas bête ! Mais je ne pense pas que grand monde les apprécie x)

  5. Bien essayé mais j'attendais autre chose ! Mon énoncé, je m'en rends compte après coup, n'est pas au point

  6. C'était la réponse attendue ! Vous êtes tous très créatifs, j'ai encore du taf avant d'arriver à faire de bons énoncés, celui-ci était apparemment encore un peu vague.

  7. There's something wrong with this position. Chess players don't get dates

  8. In my gen this is the quintessential, every second person has it, boring name. Crazy to think it could be someone’s most beautiful

  9. Not in mine. And still a nice name. And it's mine. So it makes it the most beautiful to me.

  10. Oh what, I thought I was responding to the name Rebecca ! Not Antoine. Sorry, I’ve got mixed up there.

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