
  1. Yes! My son and I did it on the Panorama at Christmas. I even made a post about it. Definitely a highlight of the trip for us!

  2. Make a list of everything you do that you would not do for a typical baby.

  3. I just wore Forever Sunshine this week and loved it! I only have the cream, I'm thinking of ordering the spray on Amazon. Does the spray smell as delicious as the cream?

  4. I always do STARE, followed by CLOUD and then NYMPH. I find that serves me well. I also find that I only need an "I" rarely.

  5. Still not allowing resale. Any sense when that will change?

  6. Thanks! She has an iPhone. She is not completely blind but moderately) severely vision impaired (bilateral colabomas). She has a cheap watch right now that says the time out loud when she pushes a button. She likes this feature and could also benefit from a watch with a very large display.

  7. An Apple Watch could certainly do lots of things, and I don't want to discount it as a fine gift. I don't have an Apple Watch myself, but I would assume--correctly, I hope--that the core Watch functionality is as accessible as iPhone functionality.

  8. I still have my 25% off coupon to use in the next few weeks. Wanting some 3 wicks. I wonder which days will be the best price on the candles.

  9. “And I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free”

  10. Has anyone been to the outlet in San Ysidro (south of San Diego)? If so, how is it?

  11. What have you made from I Could Nosh? I adore everything from Jake Cohen!!

  12. I went on a cruise in December with my 17 year old daughter. She is developmentally delayed and I wanted her with the 12-14 year olds instead of the 15-17. They did not allow it.


  14. There really is no measure to describe how big she was. I was in high school when she released her first album. The influence she had on pop culture is unparalleled.

  15. My favorite group! Not my favorite album by them but I still gave it a 5. Honestly, Dave Grohl can make an album of him just hitting a triangle with a spoon and I'd love it. Great to meet another Foo fan!

  16. My daughter also has colobomas on her optic nerves. Both eyes. She's in teen and does amazing. I think it's incredible how kids adapt.

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